Chuck Murray
WIS & Effingwoods Hockey Almanac
You made the point before but UNH has been a problem for BC these last couple years!
It's actually been longer than that, but not so much in recent years. Listening to the game on TV the other night, the BC crew touched briefly on the all-time BC vs. UNH record, and seemed genuinely surprised that it was relatively close (I think BC has won about 10 more games in the all-time series than UNH has?). But I specifically recall that well into the 2000's UNH had a (narrow) lead in the overall head-to-head series, and it's only been in recent years - the latter stages of the Umile Era mostly - where BC has moved ahead to where they stand now.
Of course, the bread-and-butter of the contest has always been postseason, and UNH hasn't won one of those since either the Snively Finale (Cedorchuck '94) or shortly before or after, early rounds against a departing Ceglarski or a rebuilding York. I honestly don't have that recall anymore, other than the '94 series, nor frankly does it matter a whole lot.
As a total aside to show where the two programs have gone in the last generation ... I recall one of BC's earliest trips to the brand-new Whittemore Center in the mid-'90's, where I went with an old BC work pal of mine, who was waxing lyrical over the fantastic future with Coach York, and then-new super-stud recruit Marty Reasoner (how's that for the "Way Back Machine"?). Turned out in the long run, my pal was right ... York has since redefined BC from a perennial bridesmaid to the ultimate winner program, and Reasoner went on to have a nice career at BC and a solid career in the NHL ...
... but on that evening, circa 1996 I believe, UNH tagged BC with either a 7-0 or 10-0 loss (I think it's the latter, but I hesitate to be certain since it's a shocking score line). Umile was starting to bring through his own studs who would propel UNH to the two FF's in the late '90's, and York still had a lot of work to be done after the carnage "Count" Cedorchuck had left behind - carnage that Mike Milbury recoiled in horror from after being the BC Hockey head coach for like 15 minutes or so.
Those were the days, my friend. We thought they'd never end. Until they did ...