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Re: UNH 2020 Off-Season Thread: That Rinky-Shrinky Thang And Other Lively Banter 
Nobody knows just how this thing is going to pan out. But once testing gets underway, it's quite possible there will be an exponential amount of cases, just as there was in Hong Kong and Italy. Hyping something is never a good idea, but to ignore it, pass it off as a (for God's sake) a 'hoax' does more than a huge disservice to the populace. This is a health crisis, make no mistake about it. There's a massive population of people who are at high risk for death if they contract this virus. This should not be ignored and all prudent measures to contain it are needed. Fortunately things in Italy, and Hong Kong, are on a linear path of contagion right now. Why is that? Because they TESTED people, they quarantined where necessary. Way ahead of us as usual. This is so reminiscent of the how we handled the HIV epidemic. Thousands died before we took action. Granted, Covid19 is not HIV. But tell that to people who will lose loved ones. Any time wasted is a life lost...isn't that worth it?
I do not pretend to 'know it all' about this but being a health teacher you better believe I'm following it. I've made it my life's business since I began teaching in 1980 and my career 'grew up' in the HIV/AIDS pandemic (which still surges on, despite life saving medications...and we STILL do not have an effective vaccine for this virus.) Taking 'sides' against a potentially lethal virus (we still don't know, or will know, what it's capable of, but thank GOD there are people OUTSIDE OF OUR GOVERNMENT who are on the case and we can listen to. The mere fact that our VERY OWN CDC didn't put numbers out is criminal, regardless of how 'small' those numbers are, for now.
Agree; hysterics never solved anything but here we 'go again' with the 'poo pooing' of something that should not be a partisan issue. It's a health issue, and in the words of the late Roger Gail Lyon, who went Congress to testify as an HIV+ gay man, living in the midst of government in action and indifference (eventually died of AIDS before treatments were found) "I came here today to ask that this nation, with all of its resources and compassion, to not let my epitaph read I died of red tape'. Wash your hands...listen to people like Anthony Fauci and the like. I was relieved to see him finally be allowed to get involved be heard.

Nobody knows just how this thing is going to pan out. But once testing gets underway, it's quite possible there will be an exponential amount of cases, just as there was in Hong Kong and Italy. Hyping something is never a good idea, but to ignore it, pass it off as a (for God's sake) a 'hoax' does more than a huge disservice to the populace. This is a health crisis, make no mistake about it. There's a massive population of people who are at high risk for death if they contract this virus. This should not be ignored and all prudent measures to contain it are needed. Fortunately things in Italy, and Hong Kong, are on a linear path of contagion right now. Why is that? Because they TESTED people, they quarantined where necessary. Way ahead of us as usual. This is so reminiscent of the how we handled the HIV epidemic. Thousands died before we took action. Granted, Covid19 is not HIV. But tell that to people who will lose loved ones. Any time wasted is a life lost...isn't that worth it?
I do not pretend to 'know it all' about this but being a health teacher you better believe I'm following it. I've made it my life's business since I began teaching in 1980 and my career 'grew up' in the HIV/AIDS pandemic (which still surges on, despite life saving medications...and we STILL do not have an effective vaccine for this virus.) Taking 'sides' against a potentially lethal virus (we still don't know, or will know, what it's capable of, but thank GOD there are people OUTSIDE OF OUR GOVERNMENT who are on the case and we can listen to. The mere fact that our VERY OWN CDC didn't put numbers out is criminal, regardless of how 'small' those numbers are, for now.
Agree; hysterics never solved anything but here we 'go again' with the 'poo pooing' of something that should not be a partisan issue. It's a health issue, and in the words of the late Roger Gail Lyon, who went Congress to testify as an HIV+ gay man, living in the midst of government in action and indifference (eventually died of AIDS before treatments were found) "I came here today to ask that this nation, with all of its resources and compassion, to not let my epitaph read I died of red tape'. Wash your hands...listen to people like Anthony Fauci and the like. I was relieved to see him finally be allowed to get involved be heard.