Danny Tirone just signed with the Manchester Monarchs.
Just want to say how ludicrous it is to state, as UNH 1932 does, that JVR is likely the best player to ever play at UNH. I’ve followed the program since 1970 and, off the top of my head, I’ll just throw out the names of Bob Miller, Ralph Cox. Andy Brickley, Mark Mowers and Jason Krog. I know the retort will be that all five of these guys played with better players than JVR did, but the counter argument is that great players make those around them better. This is an age old argument but I’ll stick to my guns on this one. If I had to choose one, it would be Miller. Years back I interviewed Bob Norton and one thing he said has always stuck with me. This was the late 90s and the memories of Paul Kariya were still fresh in people’s minds. When we started talking about Miller he was of the opinion that he was one of three greatest freshmen to ever play college hockey, the other two being Kariya and Brian Leetch. JVR was just not that impactful compared to others.
James Miller scored his 16th BCHL goal, tonight, and will play for the Wildcats next season!
I'm with you on this interpretation and with Langway who was an absolute stud on a supremely dominant NHL team. I am also with Greg re: Bobby Miller. View this: https://issuu.com/unhathletics/docs/2013-14_unh_hockey_guide_final and search for "Bob Miller".... my guess is that he meant JvR has been our most successful alum in the NHL, although I would still rank Rod Langway number 1 in that regard, at least for now.
Sigh...at first glance...thought it was us but very happy for James! Glad he’s found a spot for his talents; just wish it had been with our ‘Cats. Congrats to James and those other ‘Cats; they got a quality player.
Just to be clear, James Miller did have a spot with our Cats, played in 2 games, picking up 4 penalty minutes, before bailing out of Durham. Sigh.
I am well aware.....he’s obviously landed “on his skates” and that’s a good thing. It’s neither here or there as to the circumstances of his departure as far as I’m concerned and all that matters now is that he has found a spot to flourish.
Well, I would have preferred having him stay in Durham, but I cannot blame him and others for bolting while watching from the bench at the lesser talent on the ice. Whether the result of the plethora of injuries this fall or a conscious decision by MS, I think that freshmen getting ice time is a good thing, and perhaps there will be fewer defections going forward.
I'll bet money Warren Foegele surpasses whatever JvR does. Any takers?
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Total agreement here with Greg. It's a Langway/Miller/Steve Leach thing in my mind. JvR has a chance to get on the list (maybe), but those other guys were phenomenal when in Durham. It's debatable, but JvR was no where near as dynamic in Durham. And I've got Dan Winnick on my list as well.
I'll bet money Warren Foegele surpasses whatever JvR does. Any takers?
And while on the subject of Foegele, he's a prime example of how Umile butchered this program in the past 6-8 years, largely around his rigid heirarchical player management philosophy. Such BS. Foegele was a dymanic talent; played 1 season + 5 games. Look at what he's done since sailing from Durham. Good for him -- read the writing on the wall; made the smart move. (And yes, I get it, he was a 2-year guy anyway, maybe 3.)
Unrelated topic, but something that bugs the crap out of me (as an alum) because I see it in here often: annointment of any kid that steps foot into the mens hockey locker room as an "alum" (JvR, Foegele, as recent examples). Wrong. Fake news. Unless you roll out of Durham with parchment-in-hand, you aint no "alum". If kid leaves early, he was a "player", no more. And btw, as he checks out, how about paying back all that scholly $$$, since he didn't fullfill his end of the deal, took off, and signed a nice pro contract?!... Just sayin'... Now, if said kid leads the team in scoring his Frosh and Soph years, and leads UNH to the F4, well, in that case, we'll let it go. Ha! (In all seriousness, I'm sure most of those guys kick something back later on, so credit where its due I guess.)
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Snively65 said:Now, if only we can find the back of the net more often, except against Bentley, of course.![]()
Kevin Dean
Plavsic Canada
Douris Canada
Leach USA 3 years
Andy Brickley
Mike Golden
Todd Hall 2 years