Oh yes......I understand this isn't the goal, but this is an accomplishment nonetheless...especially when set against the background of 2010-2011 and Tocco
I can't even think of the words right now ... but Stephen Tocco... F you!I understand this isn't the goal, but this is an accomplishment nonetheless...especially when set against the background of 2010-2011 and Tocco
I can't even think of the words right now ... but Stephen Tocco... F you!
Things could change. Things will change. But my alma mater is in first place in Hockey East.
If he had any nuts, I'd happily kick him in those puny marbles.I'm just waiting for that little *** weasel to take credit for our success.
Thanks, appreciate that. I can't recall if you're in the region or not; will you be at the game tonight?I can't believe what a change in coaching has done for the program, unreal, Congrats to long time dedicated fans, enjoy, you deserve it.
and what a relief!! wally are you coming down for tonight or listening in? If you hear a cowbell that is Lil and I (I hope you hear it alot!)I can't believe what a change in coaching has done for the program, unreal, Congrats to long time dedicated fans, enjoy, you deserve it.
NahThanks, appreciate that. I can't recall if you're in the region or not; will you be at the game tonight?
Real barn burner last night. hopefully another great game tonight.Nah
I won't be there, I expect Maine is looking forward to tonight though(at the expense of losing to PC), we'll see if Maine is for real tonight. I hope Sully handles the pressure if not, its timmay time once again
I would like to see tonight's atmosphere to be like in the old days of this match up. I can remember when the forum would be rocking. Should be to great games this weekend. On another topic, I will going to Tampa,(hopefully the team will be too) and I would like to put together a meet and great social for UML fans that will be there. If anyone is interested let me know. I can be reach here or at beachockey@comcast.net. I think it would be a good time.
Absolutely great post.The impossible has become possible. Words can’t describe the elation happening in the Riverhawk community. Stop and think: 5 wins last year, majority of the 5 win team returns, expansive number of underclassmen, new coaching staff, unknown team chemistry, unknown adaption to the new staff and system, building synergy, gaining trust and most of all – forgetting last year and building self confidence. I should probably also mention, playing in arguable the toughest college hockey conference in the country.
I can honestly say, I haven’t seen anything like this since… “maybe”… the Patriots first winning superbowl, where the team was 5-11 the previous year, battled tremendous adversity, including injury and hiring a new coach with Bill Belichick (if someone has a better analogy – I am all for hearing it). Understand, I am not saying this team is winning the hockey east regular season, I am not saying this team will win the hockey east tournament and I am not saying that they have an automatic bid to the NCAA. What I am saying is this experience we are witnessing is very rare. That’s why people marvel at situations as such; when the runt of the litter becomes one of the top dogs. Great moments are derived from opportunities… and this team is making the best of it.
Bob Ellis interviewed Captain Riley Wetmore in between periods. Riley stated that he never experienced this much team building in his life, and that everyone is there for everyone. Its not singular success, but rather team success… and Riley said they are having a lot of fun.
I admit, when they hired Bazin I questioned it. I questioned whether he had the makeup to be a successful Hockey East coach. I questioned his background, and his experience… I questioned his success too, “great he turned a D3 team around, but can he turn around a D1 program”… and boy was I wrong. It’s amazing how much this coach has inspired his team, school and Riverhawk nation… it’s truly remarkable. Congrats to UMass – Lowell for making the right decision to hire Bazin, as he has proved to be a great coach and leader.