In case you haven't noticed, the political and economic climate in MN is quite different than ND
They’ll just raise tuition, freeze the pay of non-elite workers (IOW, everyone but administration and Professors/Associate Professors) and lobby the legislature to shovel more money into the pit. This time likely using the volleyball team rather than hockey team, unless of course the ladies once again make a disappointing season for WI-BC-etc.
Money is no object to the U, it is more important that they win, prove they are superior, the holders of what is right and what is wrong, the righteous and all-knowing ones. While any business would cut their losses and throw a couple grand to the two lesbians that quit (and tens of thousands to their attorney) and put a six figure check in the coach whose name shan’t be mentioned pocket (despite the fact she doesn’t deserve ****) just to wash their hands of the mess, they are gambling OUR money because …. Well, it isn’t their money.
Regardless what happens there will be hockey at all the MN schools, although it may be the final spike in any other school contemplating starting a women’s program, perhaps of any sport there already exists a men’s sport.
Syncronized smimming or rhythmic dance anyone?