Last time I checked it was a free country.
All bear, BC is in Orono. Have baked potatoes ready in the locker room. Red wants the old girl rockin'. Fill the steins to dear old maine. Eagles are no match for the Bears. Glory days are here again for toothless goobers.
See... BC fans think foregone conclusion.
Do you intentionally antagonize people???
Evidently yes. You are BU fan. Understand yet?
I understand when people can't be civil to someone just because they happen to have graduated from a different school. I also understand that it's really easy to be a jerk when you're anonymous.
I understand when people can't be civil to someone just because they happen to have graduated from a different school. I also understand that it's really easy to be a jerk when you're anonymous.
Tomorrow night we need students go hard! Let's give them a good look about being number one team and trying to beat us. Discount tix and pack house if needed.
Do you intentionally antagonize people???
The game has been sold out for a week.
He's not an awful person, just a little over-the-top.
We could all chip-in via GoFundMe and retro-fit his laptop with a Breathalyzer, maybe..?
(I'll pony-up my 10 bucks right now!)
He's not an awful person, just a little over-the-top.
We could all chip-in via GoFundMe and retro-fit his laptop with a Breathalyzer, maybe..?
(I'll pony-up my 10 bucks right now!)
I don't think Maine and BU have much chance of catching Northeastern or Providence. How much fun would a QF series against BU at the alfond be? I know historically they haven't drawn that well, but I think this year would be different. It is the kind of thing that could really give the program a shot in the arm.
He's not an awful person, just a little over-the-top.
We could all chip-in via GoFundMe and retro-fit his laptop with a Breathalyzer, maybe..?
(I'll pony-up my 10 bucks right now!)
Despite Mr. Enthusiasm, the odds of Maine catching either Northeastern or Providence are slim. They have a much easier schedule, a solid lead over Maine already and the tiebreakers against Maine. Providence and Northeastern could have eliminated Maine from contention for second and third before the BC-Maine game is over tomorrow night. And quite frankly, we want at least Providence to, as a win tomorrow will make it more difficult for Lowell to come back. The best bet for Maine: Providence and Maine win tomorrow (that clinches at least sixth) then hope Vermont can spring an upset at BU next weekend. A UMass win or tie against UConn on Thursday would be nice too.
Not a single position in the Hockey East tournament will be determined until the final weekend, and the odds are that each spot will still be contested by three or more teams.
Despite Mr. Enthusiam?
Lovely. Go read books at the library.
I'll be watching and cheering on our team. As I always do. Maybe I am a little optimistic, but I won't cheer for downhill like the rest of you *******.
Fact, go ****!
You might want to consider putting the bottle down.
You might want to consider putting the bottle down.