It's highly unlikely that Portera will "decide" in the affirmative. By not "deciding", a conference affiliation is highly unlikely. The lack of a conference affiliation is a good excuse to "can" the program. That's why there are people trying to make the community understand that Portera's inaction on soliciting a conference affiliation is equivalent to his killing the program.
When I worked at UAH, I worked a little with the Chamber of Commerce on a few initiatives. I was surprised at the time to learn that the Chamber seldom had any direct interaction with the University. That stemmed from the fact that UAH is part of the University of Alabama System and really has no direct interest in the Huntsville community. While finances were used as excuses, the reasons that David Williams and Lou Padulo (Frank Franz's predecessor) were pushed out were much deeper than just finances. They both had plans to make UAH more than the System wanted it to be. Frank Franz catered to the System's goal of "normalizing" (math term for averaging) programs within the University, ensuring that one never rose to level that would either make the others "look bad" or compete with the rest of the System. Additionally, the concept of making investments and expecting returns from those investments was completely foreign. Moves like taking Homecoming ceremonies from hockey and giving them to Basketball were done as part of this "normalizing" process. Mike, note that Jim Harris's real interest in the hockey program only arose after Tampa came to him with the 2012 Tournament and Dave Williams provided support to improve the program. Sadly, the VBC partnership opportunities that were once UAH's for the asking had long been transferred to the Havoc.
It's been my opinion that UAH's only hope for a future is to craft its own future/conference by getting an organization like the Predators to help them develop a conference affiliation that includes the AHA-Four, Bowling Green, and others that don't want the AK and far-west travel. That option disappears within the next few weeks as Bowling Green's invitation to join the WCHA expires and they are forced to join.,_bowling_green_assess.php Bowling Green, a founding member of the CCHA, could keep it alive if UAH and the AHA-Four would commit to join them. However, that's unlikely to happen if UAH only plays a passive role.