Be thankful that I texted diva. After quickly pounding a couple Long Island pitchers, then a couple glasses of whiskey, and eventually crashing out at 4am because ShirtlessGuy told us it was 4am (we had no concept of time at that point), I think having the wherewithall to get the Friday message out was a decent accomplishment.
And Houghton sucks. Yay whiteout for the last hour of driving.
Almost time to fill the growlers with KBC.
Other notes:
Chinese food for breakfast still rules (cc to DL: had the garlic beef from that restaurant by my place

We didn't see Quasimodo at the DTer, and for some reason, we were disappointed.
It's still snowing. It's like God was PaintedBandit at the F5, except instead of puke, he's vomiting snow. It's not going to stop anytime soon. And there's so much of it.
Later, all.