Re: The Top 25 College Hockey Teams of the NCAA Era
“The University of Minnesota hockey team will play a game for the championship of Minneapolis against the Minneapolis Hockey Club at their rink, at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Eleventh Street South.* The game is preparatory to the game to be played Monday afternoon by Winnipeg and the University of Minnesota.* Winnipeg is champion of the world.* Winnipeg has returned from a rough trip through eastern Canada and has defeated without too much trouble Montréal, Toronto, Victoria, Ottawa, Québec, and the Limestone’s.* The University started practice two or three weeks ago and played against a Minneapolis team, being defeated 4-1. A week and one half ago that they defeated the same team 6-4.* Tonight they play the tie off for the championship.* Dr. H.A. Parkyn has been coaching the boys every afternoon.* He has a couple of stars in Willis Walker and Russell.* Walker plays point and Russell cover-point, with Van Campen in goal. Parkyn and Albert are center forwards. Dr. Parkyn’s long experience with the Victoria team of Toronto, one of the best, makes him a fine player.* Thompson and Head, the other two forwards, are old ice polo players and skate fast and pass well. Van Campen, quarterback on last year's football team, plays goal well.*
Many tickets have been sold for tonight’s and also Monday's game. Tickets are $.25, ladies come free. The excitement of these games is intense, and surpasses that at a football game.”
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