It's a fair question. My guide is the National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Birds of North America. It, along with most guides I've seen/used separates the birds out based on type first eg owls, ducks, wading birds (herons, cranes etc), gulls/terns, warblers, sparrows etc. It has some great information and diagrams in the front that help identify the different parts/area on a bird and its wings. Then on each photo of each bird there are some annotations that point out the most distinctive parts/colors/whatever that make that bird that bird. There is also a map showing range, information on habitat it can be found it, more info on how to identify it based on appearance and what it's call/song sounds like.
If you sit down with the book a little you will start to notice some distinguishing characteristics of each group they put them in. Then you will notice that in that group, often the birds are far more different than you thought they were. Example, when you see a wood duck, you will know it's a wood duck. There is nothing that looks like it. A sacarlet tanager and a summer tanager may both be red birds, but the summer is completely red while the scarlet has solid black wings and tail. Then you will realize that the all red summer tanager is quite distintive from the all red northern Cardinal.
At first it may be tough but gradually you will realize there are some very stark differences in appearance.
As far as them moving around and seeing them from a distance, yeah, it happens. But that's why I will stay in one place for a little. The birds will be closer than you realize and be easier. And the more you do it the faster you will be able to pick up on that streak of white you saw above the eye or that patch of yellow on the chest. And by that stime you will already be at a point where you can look at a bird, even if it's not a perfect view, and know the type/group right away and already have a it narrowed down.
It took me some time to get proficient, but half the fun was getting out there and learning.
And that's where the feeders come it too. Put them where you can easily see them from a window but not so close where you may spook them just by walking by. Use your binoculars and you will have a great opportunity to see them and look in your book to identify them as they will be in the same spot for a while feeding.