Cornell Big Red
Go put on some pants.
I think we should be more encouraging to Mrs. Palin.
Go put on some pants.
Re: The Medical Thread: We're experts on everything else; why not?
We used to do them in the office (Family Practice) when we had a Doc who came out of the Army into our practice. Took care of plenty of people after. Since I don't own a set I can only say from observation- It seems to be more of a psychological issue than a physical one. Most people have little difficulty as long as they ice afterward. It is not like they do a whole lot of rootling around or huge cutting.
Biggest take home- get the test done afterward to make sure it worked. Had 2 guys who managed to impregnate their partner after not getting tested for success. And ask the failure rate in your locale so you are motivated to get checked.![]()
Good advice - especially about getting the test done about 3-4 weeks after. BTW the best definition I can think of of being macho is the guy who jogs home from that procedure!
Pretty sure I've shared this story before, but one of my MBA classmates (with 3 kids) rode his motorcycle to his. Not sure that was a good plan! We'll never know, though, because he got into a wreck on his way there and broke his leg in a couple places. He ended up laid up at home for 8 weeks with nothing to do...and then had a 4th kid 9 months later. Oopsie.
I found eating high protein food helped quell the constant hunger, but the reflexive need for constant snacking is just a habit you need to break. One thing that did help was to find a snack, measure out one serving (sometimes that's hilarious - here, have 11 potato chips), and make that one serving last a half hour.
I lost a good 40 pounds that way (low carb, intermittent keto), then an additional 10 pounds when my mother passed away. Unfortunately COVID has seen fit to light a lot of that on fire, but once I move in a few weeks I'm determined to get back on track.
Another interesting factoid-
It is not your imagination if you feel bloated and puffy when you work nights. No matter what shift you work your circadian rhythm stays oriented to days unless you are working in a cave. Esp true if you work nights but revert to day schedule on your days off. Kidneys work best between 3-4AM and when you have been lying flat (allows the fluid to return to vessels). If you are up during that time gravity means some of that fluid is still in the lower limbs. Also the hi salt/fat foods you crave and eat mean you have fluid retention to begin with. This is why you pee like a racehorse at 3-4AM when you finally get to sleep during the night. The kidneys are happy to offload all the stuff they didn't get to before.
Hmm. This is... alarming... given my habits (terrible diet, go to sleep very very late).
People who work nights have higher incidence of bad outcome with chronic disease. The circadian rhythm thing is blamed.
OK, Cafe docs.
So, I went for my flu shot today. I am embarrassed to admit I have not had one in years, but the realities of this year brought home how stupid I was being.
Here's two observations: (1) Needles have gotten smaller or better or something. I have virtually zero pain tolerance and shots have always been very difficult for me. I barely noticed it. (2) About 2 hours after the shot I started to feel really dizzy. But in a good way, like drunk dizzy. It lasted about an hour. I enjoyed it immensely. So, what was that about? I've never had that reaction to a shot in my life (though I read up on it to make sure I wasn't about to drop dead and sure enough it is one reaction to a flu shot).
Any time you take any of these, try taking a couple Tylenol before you go and then again a couple hours after the shot. most people find that helpful in avoiding the reaction you felt.
As far as not feeling the shot as much - perhaps you were fortunate to have a nurse or pharmacist who knows how to give the shot better. My office nurse (also my wife) gives a far better injection than I do. She has had much more experience and a much lighter touch. it could also be that as you have gotten older, your nerve endings become less sensitive (which i do not believe) or that your mind was just preoccupied with other things and you just was not thinking about getting stuck.
It was actually vampire serum. Enjoy it, but you are now the undead.