Why would any liberal ever spend a single femtosecond working at Fox?
Because it's a job? And a steady one at that...
Yeah **** that. I'm not working for ****ing leni riefenstahl because "it's a job" when employment is at historic lows.
You might if it is the only job you can get. Plenty of liberals have worked at Faux over the years when they get their career going then leave.
It is easy to be choosy when you don't have to choose.
The Kyle Rittenhouse/2A rally in Ionia County only drew 100 or so people.
There were many Germans and Russians and Chinese who refused to work for those authoritarian regimes despite not just poverty but also rather more strenuous reprisals.
I am not sure you have a "duty" not to support totalitarianism, but let's say if you do that information is valid when your story goes down in the Book of Life and I don't think I'd want that.
Says the guy who works for the Military Industrial Complex
and whose wife I believe works/worked in the Government?
Not sure either of you should be casting dispersions on people for the choices they make.
The Kyle Rittenhouse/2A rally in Ionia County only drew 100 or so people.
The Kyle Rittenhouse/2A rally in Ionia County only drew 100 or so people.
So .0015% of Ionia County's total population? That's a pretty red county, too. Seems only the full-bore fascists want to associate with him.
And I bet they ate it up. Lemmings.![]()
"For God loved us so much, he sent Donald to be indicted for our crimes so that we might yet enter the Kingdom of Heaven." - Book of Donald 7:29
The Donald barely knows the donald who was indicted.
I mean, he could be right. Who amongst us hasn't taken home top secret government documents, and then refused to return them when asked?