WELKER: “When you say you needed one-tenth of a point, you needed one-tenth of a point to win?”
TRUMP: “I needed a very small—I think somebody said 22,000 votes.”
WELKER: “To win?”
TRUMP: “Yeah. If you divide it among the states, it was 22,000 votes, something to that effect ...”
WELKER: “To win the election?”
TRUMP: “Yeah. If I would’ve had another 22,000 votes over the whole—but, look. They rigged the election. If you look at Pennsylvania ...”
WELKER: “But Mr. President, you’re saying you needed more votes to win the election, are you acknowledging you didn’t win?”
TRUMP: “Excuse me. If you look at all of the statistics, all of the votes, they say 22,000 votes. Over millions and millions of votes, 22,000 votes. So when they do Twitter Files, or when they have 51 intelligence agents come out and lie that the laptop from hell was Russia disinformation, and now they find out it’s not, but they knew that at the time. They cheated on the election in that way, too.”
WELKER: “I just want to be clear, though. Are you saying you needed those votes in order to win? Are you acknowledging you didn’t win?”
TRUMP: “I’m not acknowledging. No. I say I won the election.”
I just saw a TikTok that said he admitted on MtP that he is the hub that all spokes radiate out from. He's the conductor to the orchestra.
He admitted he's the one who reached out to get the votes flipped and to interfere.
Scooby apparently fell asleep in his Wheaties before that part.
Is the prosecution going to consist solely of playing tapes of him admitting his crimes?
Is the prosecution going to consist solely of playing tapes of him admitting his crimes?
I just saw a TikTok that said he admitted on MtP that he is the hub that all spokes radiate out from. He's the conductor to the orchestra.
He admitted he's the one who reached out to get the votes flipped and to interfere.
Scooby apparently fell asleep in his Wheaties before that part.
No offense to whatever TikTock you saw...but Scooby is hardly the only one destroying her for the interview. Everything I have read was this was a worse disaster than the CNN townhall. (In part because it was a Network) Outside of what you posted there was zero pushback or fact checking...instead all of it done on the web site after the fact. It doesn't help that when she promoted the interview leasing up to it is sounded like she was closer to Jimmy Fallon than a legit journalist.
Corporate media's only interest is profit. There is no journalism on a corporate site. It is all entertainment.
Fun's fun, and I am sure everybody is just delighted with the current ratings of the (CBS) Evening News compared to the NBC Nightly News. And I know it's mighty tempting to pump it out, loudly or quietly to the press. But once we start the rating game there is no end to it, and particularly for journalism it's not a healthy game. Therefore I want to make sure that nobody in this shop and I mean nobody, directly or indirectly, over the table or under the table, feeds our ratings to any part of the press
Allegedly, it wasn't always like this.
Prior to the cable networks, news in a handful of national newspapers (NYT, WaPO, London Times, CSM, WSJ, occasionally local yokels like the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Dallas Morning News, or Boston Globe) and on the big three television networks was a loss leader. Being responsible and truthful was a mark of quality. Thorough coverage was a mark of distinction that gave the outlet cachet. It was understood that the actual consumer base for challenging and honest news would never be enough to compensate for the cost, but media did it to cash the quality check and drive subscription and advertising to wealthier, status-conscious consumers. Growing up in NY there were NYT households and then there were Daily News and NY Post households. The advertisers in each were very different. On tv, the national media competed for status with gravitas.
Local newspapers and local tv were the same garbage you see today.
Cable was Eternal September for news. The floodgates opened and the boobs poured in, and the only way to feed them is with slabs of pork fat. CNN started the race to the bottom for quality, then Fox perfected the model of feeding people's delusions back to them for profit after swiping it off the evangelicals. Eventually, the MBAs demanded the quality media make money, and that way always lies Top 40 and John Grisham.
So, here we are. The quality exists in little pockets on the internet. Nobody has been able to create a large scale quality replacement, but perhaps that isn't needed. You don't need a NYT with a desk in every country when you can watch the news from every country's highest quality media. The real problem now is language accessibility, and we have the good fortune to speak to language of the global extractive empire so we're in a better position than anybody else.
The real problem now is language accessibility, and we have the good fortune to speak the language of the global Harkonnen empire, so we're in a better position than anybody else.
In this country the real problem is lazy people. We want to be fed things in simplistic terms we don't have to think a lot about.
"Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them." — Joseph Story
Gaetz is expected to run for Governor of Florida...just when you thought that state couldn't sink lower!
Gaetz is expected to run for Governor of Florida...just when you thought that state couldn't sink lower!