I am just going to say, if Wisconsin gets this through, and it spreads we might actually see the slippery slope on this one...and make no mistake it will spread and fast. In a year it wont be contained to just public sector issues the private sector will join in as well and test the constraints of the rule. Companies will go to court to break unions and have legislative precedence on their side.
Look I am not pro union, I think they are wasteful and lazy and cronyed (sp?) up to the hilt. That said I think it is better to have them around than to not have them. Without Unions, management would screw the employees, there is no question about it. Benefits would go in the toilet, pensions would be out the window and the wage would drop significantly. There would be no check on any of that, and look what happens when big business doesnt have a check on them.
What do you think the WI State Government will do if this passes? What is the point? Some say this is the best way to weaken the Dems. (Unions are the primary backer of Dems and if they have no power bam neither do the Dems...I think that is overkill but it does seem to make sense) I haven't read up on this much but has the Governor said what he will do with his new God power over the public employees? How much of their salary will he cut, what benefits? Is he going to cut his own salary as well? What is his endgame? Is this a temporary ban on CB or is there no end date because there is a fundamental difference. (I am serious, I have no clue and want to know)