Having read
the whole opinion because of my unflinching masochism, seems like a lot of this is really about the process the city of Saint Paul used. They're probably lucky they don't have to do a full environmental impact study instead of the environmental assessment worksheet based on Minnesota's laws about "phased actions." That is to say, because they are building a new academic building in the same area as the arena, they are for purposes of the impact assessment part of related projects and thus need to be considered together. The court
isn't requiring the full EIS though, so that's something positive for UST.
That all said, once UST/Saint Paul produce a revised EAW, the next step for the NIMBYs will be to demand UST/Saint Paul produce a full EIS. I don't know Minnesota planning law well enough to make a judgement on whether that might happen.
Of course, UST could potentially remove 401 seats from the design on paper, refile for an arena that is 4,999 seats and thus doesn't require an EIS or EAW, then "renovate" the arena to add those seats back. But the boat for being sneaky like that already left the dock.
Never been to St.Thomas or seen where they want to build it to know the parking situation but around Michigan's Yost ice arena the students in the nearby houses fill their driveways for twenty five bucks a car to park and boy do they clean up.
LOL, the people in the neighborhood around St. Thomas, who were shocked
shocked to learn they live near a University with 9k students that plays D1 sports, probably pay on average per month on landscaping as much as I pay for my entire condo. The person in the KSTP story's house last sold for about $1,000,000.