Hug someone you care about...
They could probably afford to do both things. I doubt it occurred to them.
They could have done both and still been in the top 1% by a decent margin.
They could probably afford to do both things. I doubt it occurred to them.
I'm fine with launching billionaires into space
I’m less fine with spending time and effort on their safe reentry
Jeff Bezos is not an astronaut and he doesn't pay anywhere near enough taxes. Case closed.
They're not really facing the same re-entry pressures that every other manned spacecraft have experienced. The Blue Origins capsule is only traveling at 2,000 MPH to get to its apogee, a far cry from the 17,000 MPH orbital spacecraft are traveling at.
That reduced speed means less friction between the air molecules and the spacecraft itself, thus a less than "traditional" re-entry. The Karman line is just the point of the atmosphere where the molecules in the air are so thin/spread out that conventional aircraft will no longer generate lift on their own to maintain flight. Any aircraft above the Karman line would need to be traveling at orbital speed to maintain "flight."
It's been described that the Space Shuttle, nee all orbiting spacecraft, aren't "flying" so much as they're actually travelling so fast they keep "missing" the Earth as they fall.
Richard Branson's plane travels at an even lower altitude, barely breaking the US recognized "boundary of space" at 50 miles, but not the international recognized boundary of 62 miles.
My take on "Astronaut" is that it would be like someone firing an M16 being called a Marine. Nah. You flew in space, you aren't an Astronaut. THat path goes through NASA and NASA only. You were selected, went through a training program, and had a mission. Just because I rode Space Mountain doesn't make me a Mousketeer.
My Wildcat $0.02 hot take.
Just because I rode Space Mountain doesn't make me a Mousketeer.
Elon Musk throws four animals into space.