Post counts can be deceiving though. Take myself for an example. I have less than 800 posts, which is less than just about every regular on this board. However, you'll notice that my activation date was almost 12 years ago, which is longer than most of the regulars. Does that make me less of a regular just because I have less to say?
I know that it used to be taboo to start a thread to discuss the possibility of the BTHC (at least until it actually happened). I know that it's still taboo to start a College Hockey Video Game thread. I know Freddy Meyer is a hack. I know that ScoobyDoo loves simple math and how full or empty a glass is. I know Ralph Baer must have a whole heck of a lot of time on his hands. I know Dirty hates Gophers, Handyman hates Sioux and is not named Dan, Goon hates Handyman, Suze has a wall, Bob Motzko used to make Skeeterman happy but now makes him nervous, Happy loves to point out who or what is going down the tubes, Greyeagle always has the best picture to post for the occasion, Brenthoven is a rube, MeanEgirl is in the band and Puck Swami, Fighting Sioux 23 and Hammy have the best hockey info.
Just because I have a lower post count, doesn't mean I haven't been around a while.