Roe isn't going away; it's becoming State law.
Feel free to explain that to the woman who was raped or raped by her dad or is dying from pregnancy. Make sure when you do it's in a non-Roe state.
Roe isn't going away; it's becoming State law.
If the Roberts court decides that the Burger court was wrong in the way it originally interpreted the law when it decided Roe, then it can write a new opinion that sets a new precedent. So the self-proclaimed "strict constructionists" could issue a new majority opinion based on the 10th Amendment and basically tell states to do whatever they please with abortion regulations because the Constitution doesn't explicitly say anything about abortion.
Feel free to explain that to the woman who was raped or raped by her dad or is dying from pregnancy. Make sure when you do it's in a non-Roe state.
There are now 50 states worth of court cases to be litigated and thousands upon thousands of billable hours for the attorneys.
Follow the money.
One can still cross a state line. Or even move (as I said).
Hey, cool that you're white and rich. And what happens when you go out of state and texas decides it's still a felony to do that?
This is nonsensical even by your standards. Some cabal of lawyers schemed to get more caseloads by depriving women of their god-given rights of self determination and agency? Get the fuck out of here with that.
Texas trying to control what goes on legally in State X would be challenged.
More billable hours.
You are correct; Congress would need to act. However, they have not.
And if they did, SCOTUS would have to press the law against A10.
In light of Congress' inaction, a prior SCOTUS made a decision.
This SCOTUS is questioning that decision/action.
Again, this will all fall back to the several States under A10.
Roe isn't going away; it's becoming State law.
I have no idea who leaked it and don’t care, but it’s an effective way to lock in the 5 justices on the opinion. The minority has nothing to gain by it leaking.
Why are you guys arguing with the troll?
Because sometimes the only response to
Which is 100% different than your initial claim that "the federal government had no power to decide the issue." You now admit the federal government (Congress) has the power.
Doesn't say the peoples' representatives in Congress can't pass laws.
Congress, as I also earlier agreed, could draft and pass Legislation, ...
Can the courts say those laws are Unconstitutional? Sure.
... but it too would have to stand under an A10 challenge back at SCOTUS.