Re: RPI @ SCSU (Thursday 12/27 & Friday 12/28)
In all seriousness, getting past the thread title debacle...
I am considering going out to this series. Any recommendations on where to stay, places to go, etc.?
Even though I live in the Twin Cities suburbs, I've taken more than a few overnights to St. Cloud for hockey. Here's what a typical Saturday night trip might look like for me...
• 5:00 - Arrive at Kelly Inn and check-in
• 5:30 - Dinner at Mexican Village (probably two beers with dinner)
• 6:15 - Wander over to Howie's (can eat here too, I just prefer Mexican food)
• 6:55 - Stagger onto the bus to the arena after two more beers at Howie's (third beer still in hand)
• 7:07 - Watch the Huskies win
• 9:30 - Back on the bus to Howie's, head directly to McRudy's
• 10:15 - Finish at McRudy's head to MC's Dugout
• 10:45 - Finish at MC's Dugout head to Cowbui Jax
• 11:15 - Fnsh @ Cuwby jax hed to pres
• 11:45 - stumbl to red carpt
• 12:15 - *don't remember much*
• 9:00am - Roll out of bed, throw on a hat, head down for continental breakfast, piece together how the rest of the night went.