McDonald no longer shown as RPI committed on this weekend's Omaha line charts.
He cannot decommit due his NLI. Unless he wants to sit out a year
McDonald no longer shown as RPI committed on this weekend's Omaha line charts.
He cannot decommit due his NLI. Unless he wants to sit out a year
# Name Ps Team (League) Gm- G- A- P- PM Next Gm
17 Kareem Al-Azem RD Kimball Union Academy 19- 2-11- 13- x 01/26/22
11 Alexander Babich C Anchorage Wolverines (NAHL) 36- 8- 3- 11- 36 01/28/22
13 Mathieu Bourgault LW Salmon Arm Silverbacks (BCHL) 28- 6-13- 19- 12 01/26/22
16 Finn Brown RW Alberni Valley Bulldogs (BCHL) 30-11- 5- 16- 4 01/25/22
11 Felix Caron RW Coll Esther-Blondin Phenix (QM18AAA)25-13-19- 32- 42 01/28/22
other games 6- 4- 3- 7- 10
total 31-17-22- 39- 52
10 Danny Ciccarello RW Salmon Arm Silverbacks (BCHL) 27- 4- 6- 10- 25 traded
15 Fort McMurray Oil Barons (AJHL) 7- 3- 2- 5- 19 01/25/22
total 34- 7- 8- 15- 44
18 Tyler Hotson LW St. Andrew's College (CISAA) 2- 0- 3- 3- 6 left team
17 Muskegon Lumberjacks (USHL) 35- 5-15- 20- 22 01/28/22
total 36- 5-18- 23- 28
6 Hunter McDonald LD Omaha Lancers (USHL) 31- 3- 7- 10- 53 01/28/22
25 Sutter Muzzatti C Austin Bruins (NAHL) 36-11-22- 33- 26 01/28/22
30 Ryan Sanborn G Buffalo Regals 16U 5-xx-xx-x-2.60-.924 season over missing info
1 Dubuque Fighting Saints (USHL) 0- 0- left team
1 The Hill School 5- 2- 2-1-3.71-.906 01/26/22 missing games
8 Max Smolinski RD Fargo Force (USHL) 32- 2- 6- 8- 16 01/28/22
18 Hunter Wallace C Brooks Bandits (AJHL) 43-12-20- 32- 24 01/26/22
# Name Ps commitm. Team (League) Year DOB Ht Wt Hometown NZ*s
17 Kareem Al-Azem RD 09/24/20 Kimball Union Academy 2023 01/02/04 6'02" 197 Dunn Loring, VA 3.50 St Vi Sk To
11 Alexander Babich C 02/16/19 Anchorage Wolverines (NAHL) 2023 03/13/03 5'10" 173 Chicago, IL 3.50 x
13 Mathieu Bourgault # LW 12/10/20 Salmon Arm Silverbacks (BCHL) 2022 03/31/03 6'02" 176 St-Bruno-de-Montarville, QC 3.50 Sp St GS
16 Finn Brown *# RW 10/07/19 Alberni Valley Bulldogs (BCHL) 2022 06/04/02 6'03" 190 Toronto, ON 3.75 St Sk To GS
11 Felix Caron RW 12/06/21 Col Esther-Blondin Phenix(QM18AAA) 23 12/01/04 5'10" 165 Terrebonne, QC 3.50 x
15 Danny Ciccarello *# RW 10/31/20 Fort McMurray Oil Barons (AJHL) 2022 03/23/01 6'00" 200 Kirkland, QC 3.25 Sp SH Vi Sk
17 Tyler Hotson # LW 12/11/20 Muskegon Lumberjacks (USHL) 2022 03/17/03 6'00" 163 Stratford, ON 3.75 x
6 Hunter McDonald # LD 11/27/18 Omaha Lancers (USHL) 2022 05/11/02 6'04" 207 Fairport, NY 3.75 x
25 Sutter Muzzatti # C 10/30/20 Austin Bruins (NAHL) 2022 06/28/03 6'04" 203 Okemos, MI 3.75 St To
1 Ryan Sanborn G 10/05/21 The Hill School 2024 01/15/05 6'02" 190 Brookfield, CT 4.00 Sp Aw Sk
8 Max Smolinski # RD 12/22/20 Fargo Force (USHL) 2022 04/02/03 5'11" 171 Bloomfield Hills, MI 3.75 x
18 Hunter Wallace C 09/14/21 Brooks Bandits (AJHL) 2023 02/05/03 5'07" 165 Oak Lake, MB 3.75 x
19 Georgia Bailey F 01/05/22 Northwood School (NAPHA) 2023 03/17/05 5'09" 125 Sherbrooke, QC x.xx
9 Alexis Brunet F 12/06/21 Kingston Ice Wolves (OWHL) 2023 02/07/05 5'06" 165 Kingston, ON 3.25
13 Nina Christof # F 05/30/19 Selects Academy 19U 2022 08/18/03 5'04" 141 Hammelburg, Ger. 3.50
8 Taryn Jacobs # LD 05/02/21 Southwest Wildcats 2022 01/25/04 5'05" 125 Walpole Island,ON x.xx
6 Sophia Jones D 05/02/19 Connecticut Polar Bears 19U 2022 09/23/03 5'03" 135 Westfield, MA 3.75
6 Williston Northampton School
22 Taryn Rathwell D 11/24/21 Kingston Ice Wolves (OWHL) 2023 01/28/04 5'04" 136 Belleville, ON x.xx
16 Kyley Toye # F 08/25/21 The Lawrenceville School 2022 02/xx/03 5'08" 170 Brick, NJ 3.25
16 New Jersey Titans 19U-AAA
* In the RPI directory
# Known to have signed National Letter of Intent
[B]The years the men's recruits are listed as committed for are not necessarily accurate.[/B]
The dates on which some of the women are listed as committing on may be considerably after the actual dates.
I am assuming that Neutral Zone regards their Star ratings as public because they often tweet them with committals.
STRENGTHS according to Neutral Zone (NZ doesn't include them for women):
Aw=Awareness/IQ, Ch= Character/Leadership, GS=Goal Scoring Ability, Sk=Skating, Sp=Speed, SH=Stick Handling Skill,
St-Strength, To=Toughness, Vi=Vision/Passing
Didn't he sign a year ago? Aren't they only valid for a year?
They mutually agreed to delay the NLI a year, so it moves over. It's the same thing with Finn Brown, and it's the reason why McDonald and Brown didn't need to sign this year. It's only invalid if both agree to terminate it, the player terminates and sits out a year (unless they have some sort of special circumstance such as a coach firing), or if the coach terminates it (not sure if they have repercussions for this).
# Name Ps Team (League) Gm- G- A- P- PM Next Gm
17 Kareem Al-Azem RD Kimball Union Academy 19- 2-11- 13- x 01/26/22
11 Alexander Babich C Anchorage Wolverines (NAHL) 36- 8- 3- 11- 36 01/28/22
13 Mathieu Bourgault LW Salmon Arm Silverbacks (BCHL) 28- 6-13- 19- 12 01/26/22
16 Finn Brown RW Alberni Valley Bulldogs (BCHL) 30-11- 5- 16- 4 01/25/22
11 Felix Caron RW Coll Esther-Blondin Phenix (QM18AAA)25-13-19- 32- 42 01/28/22
other games 6- 4- 3- 7- 10
total 31-17-22- 39- 52
10 Danny Ciccarello RW Salmon Arm Silverbacks (BCHL) 27- 4- 6- 10- 25 traded
15 Fort McMurray Oil Barons (AJHL) 7- 3- 2- 5- 19 01/25/22
total 34- 7- 8- 15- 44
18 Tyler Hotson LW St. Andrew's College (CISAA) 2- 0- 3- 3- 6 left team
17 Muskegon Lumberjacks (USHL) 35- 5-15- 20- 22 01/28/22
total 36- 5-18- 23- 28
6 Hunter McDonald LD Omaha Lancers (USHL) 31- 3- 7- 10- 53 01/28/22
25 Sutter Muzzatti C Austin Bruins (NAHL) 36-11-22- 33- 26 01/28/22
30 Ryan Sanborn G Buffalo Regals 16U 5-xx-xx-x-2.60-.924 season over missing info
1 Dubuque Fighting Saints (USHL) 0- 0- left team
1 The Hill School 5- 2- 2-1-3.71-.906 01/26/22 missing games
8 Max Smolinski RD Fargo Force (USHL) 32- 2- 6- 8- 16 01/28/22
18 Hunter Wallace C Brooks Bandits (AJHL) 43-12-20- 32- 24 01/26/22
# Name Ps Team (League) Gm- G- A- P- PM Next Gm
17 Kareem Al-Azem RD Kimball Union Academy 19- 2-11- 13- x 01/26/22
11 Alexander Babich C Anchorage Wolverines (NAHL) 36- 8- 3- 11- 36 01/28/22
13 Mathieu Bourgault LW Salmon Arm Silverbacks (BCHL) 28- 6-13- 19- 12 01/26/22
16 Finn Brown RW Alberni Valley Bulldogs (BCHL) 30-11- 5- 16- 4 01/29/22
11 Felix Caron RW Coll Esther-Blondin Phenix (QM18AAA)25-13-19- 32- 42 01/28/22
other games 6- 4- 3- 7- 10
total 31-17-22- 39- 52
10 Danny Ciccarello RW Salmon Arm Silverbacks (BCHL) 27- 4- 6- 10- 25 traded
15 Fort McMurray Oil Barons (AJHL) 8- 3- 3- 6- 19 01/28/22
total 35- 7- 9- 16- 44
18 Tyler Hotson LW St. Andrew's College (CISAA) 2- 0- 3- 3- 6 left team
17 Muskegon Lumberjacks (USHL) 35- 5-15- 20- 22 01/28/22
total 36- 5-18- 23- 28
25 Sutter Muzzatti C Austin Bruins (NAHL) 36-11-22- 33- 26 01/28/22
30 Ryan Sanborn G Buffalo Regals 16U 5-xx-xx-x-2.60-.924 season over missing info
1 Dubuque Fighting Saints (USHL) 0- 0- left team
1 The Hill School 5- 2- 2-1-3.71-.906 01/26/22 missing games
8 Max Smolinski RD Fargo Force (USHL) 32- 2- 6- 8- 16 01/28/22
18 Hunter Wallace C Brooks Bandits (AJHL) 43-12-20- 32- 24 01/26/22