Every few years it seems to me the refs are instructed to look for certain things and call them to the letter of the rule book. Eventually the players and the refs level off but the first few weeks are tough.
Every few years it seems to me the refs are instructed to look for certain things and call them to the letter of the rule book. Eventually the players and the refs level off but the first few weeks are tough.
I'm a little confused, aren't the officials a product of their individual leagues? Do they get their instructions from the NCAA or from their league. I have (as most of you have) seen games from all the college leagues and they are all officiated differently.
This year, they all seem to be in unison. What's up with that?
What kind of game is rpi going to play? Who should we watch for? Maine will play a few freshman. Goaltending will be McGovern I'm pretty sure. Big kid, who can take up some net.Best players are Robbins and Byron.. Doesn't matter if maine has a big lead, they have shown they can fold like a cheap tent.
darn good hair too.Very nice, RPI coach provides lengthy interviews with substance. Red does pretty well avoiding the press and if there is an interview its mostly a few sentences grunted out.
Appert has not yet committed to naming a starter in net but my money is you'll see him Friday night.
I thought that Maine had a free stream, can some1 point me to a link if there is. You all know how cheap I am.
....you really just need Gr8. Carry onI like Coach's hair product selection. I believe that it is a Pomade base product. Can always count on My Gre8t Coach with A game on the hair.
I like Coach's hair product selection. I believe that it is a Pomade base product. Can always count on My Gre8t Coach with A game on the hair.