Re: RPI Hockey 2018 - 2019: 28 Guys Skate onto a Rink ...
At first, I thought it was because of the opponent, but when I saw the same guys vs. UCONN, it puzzled me as well. Nothing sounded like injury, but it was radio only. Let's also remember that DiGrande's chances stemmed from individual efforts that probably wouldn't work against better opponents. I'd have to look back to see how he was on the other side of the ice. Even more so, I'm really hoping we're not seeing a pattern like we did with Troy York.
I know that Lacka, the only player to score for RPI in the two games against UMass, was injured in the second of those two games and I hear there is a rumor that the injury is a broken arm, so it may be quite a while before he's ready to return.
I'm wondering about Daniel DiGrande. He scored a goal against UPEI and, if I recall correctly, had another shot that beat the goalie but hit the post. The thing I liked about him was that after he scored his goal, he didn't go into a wild and crazy freshman-type oh-my-God-I-can't-believe-what-I-just-did demonstration. Looked to me as though he acted as if this was something he'd done before and expected to do again in the future.
Admittedly, UPEI did not count as an NCAA opponent, but if we're looking for somebody who can put the puck in the net, I would think a guy who's actually done it - any time, against anybody - might be a good guy to start with.
However, from what I can see in the statistics, DiGrande played only the first game against UMass. Didn't play the second game against UMass, didn't play against UConn.
Is anyone aware of any injury, rumored or otherwise, affecting DiGrande to the point that he is physically unable to perform?
At first, I thought it was because of the opponent, but when I saw the same guys vs. UCONN, it puzzled me as well. Nothing sounded like injury, but it was radio only. Let's also remember that DiGrande's chances stemmed from individual efforts that probably wouldn't work against better opponents. I'd have to look back to see how he was on the other side of the ice. Even more so, I'm really hoping we're not seeing a pattern like we did with Troy York.

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