I am not a fan of the 1 game and done format. One good game and you are in the quarter finals. How many times has a series split in the last few years? I would like to see some data on this.
Not quite as bad as it once was. After all, in this round all you are dealing with is a bunch of also rans. Really should not be using three nights just to get rid of four of them anyway.
Dumb was sometime in the 90's with top seed Harvard being taken out in a single game. Outright stupid was sometime in the early 70's with top seed UNH being taken out in a single game. The latter was a season ender as there were no back or side doors in to a four team NCAA in the 70's.
Guess who in both instances was the number eight seed that took them both out? The first time was the first time it ever happened.