Ralph Baer
Let's Go 'Tute!
Ture Linden was named the ECAC Driscoll Skating & Skills PotW https://rpiathletics.com/news/2022/2...kly-honor.aspx.
I have been debating whether to post this or not. We may soon reach 1000 replies on this thread. Should we start a new one if the +season is not over? Board does not close threads at 1000 replies anymore, so we can still use this one. That is my preference, but if you feel we should start a new one, I ask for suggestions for a title.
In any case, I need a title for the offseason thread. I have thought of a couple, none particularly good, based upon Shirley leaving. In any case, I intend to do a double countdown, both to the next game and to Shirley leaving this offseason, unless others feel I should not. (By the way, am I correct that 7/1 is her last day or is it 6/30.)
A buddy of mine just got off the phone with HFH box office. Person said they are requiring neg test results for entry. Which I have not seen In Writing anywhere. If true , I’ll not be attending …not gonna participate in the nonsense .
As they said in Ghost, ditto and see ya.
Masks, proof of vaccination, negative tests, separation by multiple seats!!! At this point it is nothing but a complete sham. You got to be kidding me. Absolutely none of the aforementioned required for upcoming packed houses at the MVP Center to see a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame group or the best stand up since Carlin. Not to mention 31,000 at the Carrier Dome for Syracuse-Duke just yesterday. Translation is they really don't want you there and will create so many hoops that you will have to jump through just to attend that you simply won't go. In all probability, the illusion of your being welcome at all resulted from the ECACHL insisting that revenue result from this series or else book a bus and a hotel to a place that will create revenue.
Nothing but a plain and simple money grab needed to solve a present dilemma faced by people who have mostly ignored us over the past two years. Whenever they did not ignore us, it was only for long enough to dismiss us and do so often with utter contempt and distain. You might remember at the very beginning two years ago being told we needed to be "SOCIALLY SEPERATED". I suppose just like any other leaper or mutant. However, in all fairness and to their great credit, in more recent times they only disparaged us with the much kinder and gentler "EXTERNAL SPECTATOR". Always thought there was more to it than that. Guess I was mistaken. That will not happen again EVER.
In between those two gems there was the briefly posted and quickly removed (within a day) comprehensive plan for return to athletic competition spanning several pages during the summer of 2020. Only the mere six words of the very last section on the very last page referenced us and possibly provided the best insight as to what those people consider us. It read simply MANAGEMENT OF SPECTATORS- TO BE DETERMINED. Don't really care to speculate on whether we were being likened to traffic management, wildlife management or fish and fowl management. Does it really matter?
As for the TO BE DETERMINED part, no better time to show those inane drowns how that part really works than this upcoming weekend. You know, the weekend they need the money of us crash test dummies to keep the ECACHL happy. It's time to show the drowns that it is not them who determine the paying customers. Instead, it is the paying customers who determine them!!!
As per the release from the 'tute, new prez officially starts 7/1/22.
Totally agree and my guess is you are spot on re: ECAC insisting on a fan presence.
After much debate, our HFH crew is opting out and instead will GATHER TOGETHER in solidarity at a nearby establishment to watch the game on TV. I won't set foot on the campus or spend a nickel until she is gone. Period. If and when RPI wins the weekend series I will travel to cheer them on in person in the host's barn.
I don't see anything about limited seating? Am I missing something?
Sorry. Problem with responding on my phone…I’d have to come back early from Vero Beach. Let’s see sunny and 70’s or comeback to cold to watch a team that can’t win 2 in a row. Ummmmmm.
Does any nonstudent here intend to go?
I won't set foot on the campus or spend a nickel until she is gone. Period.
For what it's worth, I think the ECAC captures most, if not all, of the ticket revenue at this stage of the season. This is why attendance has tended to drop off for the playoffs--the discounted/free tickets given out during the regular season would become a hard-dollar cost in the playoffs.