Took me a while to process and digest this email and ask the appropriate questions.
1) Who issued this edict? Who composed it? Who did they compose it for? Why was it not sent from the office of the source directly? Why was box office staff used as body shields for whoever wanted this email sent? Real guts. Real leadership. Anyone who even remotely knows or has even met box office staff would find it utterly unbelievable that they would be the source of this particular power and control ego trip. Words that do not apply to either box office staff or the overwhelming majority of athletic department staff are arrogant, pompous, obnoxious, vain, cruel, persecuting, distasteful, verbose and show off. However, those labels all apply to other segments of the institution and, in all probability, it is one of those segments who really sent this email.
2) Why would anyone willing to fork up $260 and possibly another $65 for parking but are not allowed to do it in person just automatically assume that you will be allowed in the building when the time comes for them to fork over the product that was paid for? Why would anyone just assume that if the product is delivered at all, it will be delivered without your being made to literally stand on your head, jump through hoops, chase carrots on a stick or chase your own tail in order to receive the product? Just when is anyone going to be made aware of any "requirements" they have to comply with in order to receive a product they already paid for well prior to any "requirements" being stated? Will they be stated only after payment is processed? What if whenever the "requirements" are stated payers find them totally unacceptable? Will refund be issued upon request? Issuance of refunds these days at that place were previously addresses quite articulately by one VBK. This has buyer beware written all over it.
3) Of course, this is all about "safety", the "well being of the community" and the ever present "overabundance of caution". Only a "fool" could believe it is about ego, power and control as opposed to any "genuine" concern for safety and well being. Query from such an obvious "fool". Why does one particular game in the season ticket package involve paying for a game being played in an inner city whose own mayor declared a state of emergency just a couple of weeks ago on account of the out of control street violence in that city's downtown areas? The present violence is literally setting records for shootings and murders and at least a bit of it has occurred within eyesight of the particular arena. Sure sounds like "concern" for safety and well being to me instead of an out and out money grab. In the real world a significant number of the season ticket holders, especially those that qualify as seniors, have never been frequent visitors to the area and do not even attend the game.