So I got a wordy email yesterday from the HFH box office regarding season tickets....offering little in the way of anything concrete regarding HFH attendance this fall, other than they will continue ignoring state/federal guidelines and go with whatever Shirley dreams up as acceptable (ok, so maybe I am editorializing a bit ...). And oh by the way, please pony up for the golf outing on Aug. 9th.
Lucky you. Did not get it myself. In the event there are others who did not get it, could you post it here. Would be curious to see it.
However, did get the golf flyer. Found it hilarious. There are no government restrictions on golf facilities that I (a non golfer) am aware of. Based on their website, the particular facility being used does not appear to have imposed any of their own either. Obviously, you can play and dine at this place as a member or as a guest of a member with absolutely no restrictions of any kind. But, to attend this event, you not only have to pay pretty stiff registration fees but also simultaneously must agree to comply with TOTALLY UNSPECIFIED RESTRICTIONS TO DETERMINED AT A LATER DATE BY THE SPONSOR OF THE EVENT. The sponsor, of course, is little more than a freaking day renter of the facility. Sure sounds like something I would commit a day and a lot of yen to. Really, I don't think so!!!
The wise should consider the golf flyer as a red flag before paying up for season tickets. Doing that should not even be considered without first obtaining both a full disclosure of what the "requirements" are and assurances that the "goal lines and goal posts" are not going to move all over the place whenever the power and control intoxicated see fit. Only at that point can you make any intelligent decisions as to what your (and your wallets') "restrictions tolerances" are. Fail to do that and the powers to be up there are very likely to have you chasing your own tail or a carrot on a stick while PAYING THEM a decent chunk of change to go someplace where your simply cannot either relax, let it out, unwind or have a good time for a night out. Kind of important that folks start acting like PAYING CUSTOMERS instead of sheep in order to maintain some semblance of control and make their own decisions.
My best guess, based on most people I know or do business with, is that there are presently far more "zero tolerance to restrictions and protocols" individuals than individuals that are still willing to put up with either. Entities that continue believing and act like they are the self appointed "saviors of the lower browed masses" and still will not simply leave people alone will see a noticeable decline in their "traffic" and revenue, in my opinion. Unfortunately, believe this is indeed going to be the case at a place I have enjoyed going to since age 11.
For the record my present tolerance of protocols and procedures are as follows: A) Here is my full vaccination certification (it's called an Excelsior Pass in New York State) and photo ID. B) Get lost, get the ---- out of my way and leave me alone. Anything other than this and it's sayonara. The more PAYING CUSTOMERS DEMAND THIS, the more likely you are to remain enjoying interacting with people you have done so with for years.
Again, PAYING CUSTOMERS MERELY LOOKING FOR AN ENJOYABLE NIGHT OUT. Not students looking for a degree that virtually assures them a very comfortable life. Not contractors looking for a lucrative payday. Not staff dependent on the paycheck that comes every two weeks. Those three groups are all virtually defenseless since there are an endless supply of replacements for them that will take their place in a second if they dare do anything that resists the regime. Unlike any of those groups, PAYING SEASON TICKET CUSTOMERS combined cough up over a quarter million dollars a year and their readily available replacements consists of, well, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!!! In our case, there is a modicum of buying power here that has at least some clout. USE IT!!!