I'm still leery on Fall/Winter sports. SAJ leaving too may questions (poor communication) unanswered in my opinion. I don't yet have the confidence of sports moving full speed ahead. Students will be required to be vaccinated, but yet all other safety measures, including bi-weekly testing will remain. What if a student and their family doesn't believe the vaccine is for them? They not allowed to play?
-There has been no safety process put into action regarding any positive test(s) amongst an RPI athletic team thru today at RPI. By time Fall rolls around RPI is a full year behind all other schools who participated in '20-'21 athletics, in letting their safety protocols play out and allow student/athletes to move forward. RPI's "trial run" will be in Fall of '21.......yikes.
As long as SAJ is involved, the fear of the unknown will always be in the back of my mind (ie SAJ bizarre off campus student/ bathroom rule she created in July of last year). Don't want to come off as a pessimist, but until the puck actually drops in October, or there is clear communication from administration on what the plan is moving forward, not holding my breath. Let us all be reminded that the weight room and the HFH are still collecting cob webs more than a year after the C-19 came about.