The following memo was shared with members of the Rensselaer campus community. We are sharing it with you – our alumni and alumnae – as part of our ongoing effort to keep you informed.
March 2, 2021
To: The Rensselaer Community
From: Strategic Communications and External Relations
Re: Spring Athletic Competition
The health and safety of Rensselaer community members, within and outside of the campus, remains our top priority. While we support the Liberty League's Presidents Council's plan to return to athletics competition this spring, and the adherence by student athletes and team personnel to a rigorous COVID-19 testing protocol in order to ensure a healthy and safe environment for competition, we have not made a final decision regarding Rensselaer participation in spring competition.
We are developing a plan to allow our athletic teams to participate in training and conditioning, and a possible delayed entry into Liberty League competition. The degree to which we may participate in Liberty League competition is dependent on the overall public health situation - internal to Rensselaer, the communities around us, and the communities inside and around the schools against whom we compete. Currently we remain concerned, given a recent rise in COVID-19 cases at Rensselaer, and we will continue to monitor and evaluate the overall public health situation.
The Rensselaer spring athletic programs which may be impacted include baseball, golf, softball, men's and women's track and field, men's and women's lacrosse, and men's and women's tennis.