On a "positive" note, I received a blast email the other day promoting alumni events and gatherings. Obviously, they have all been "virtual" for the past ten months. Finally, one has popped up that is being advertised as IN PERSON. Unfortunately, it is alumni and homecoming weekend in October, 2021.
Sure is starting to look like all sports at the institute will end up being suspended for a hard to even imagine eighteen months. Have to wonder if that is just far too long to maintain either the paying live gate or those that follow via RPI TV or ESPN PLUS. Just cannot imaging anything even close to the entire fan base returning after all that time. By September/ October of 2021, a very healthy number are very likely to find something else to do even if that means just staying home.
I received an e-mail today promoting Spirit Day, to be celebrated on Feb. 5 this year. The e-mail notes that Spirit Day is normally the day before Big Red Freakout. So I guess now we know when Big Red Freakout would have been if there had been a hockey season.
Way down at the bottom of the Spirit Day e-mail is a note to "mark your calendar for a virtual celebration of Reunion & Homecoming, April 14-16, 2021."
Does that mean we're going to have the first ever Homecoming lacrosse game - but with alumni restricted to virtual attendance only?