The way I read the e-mail, it said that the traditional reunion and homecoming celebration was being postponed. It did not specifically say that the football game scheduled for that weekend was being postponed or cancelled.
I'm Class of '70, so this would be the big year for my class to have a reunion. Considering that my classmates and I are all septuagenarians and thus in the high risk category for catching the virus, it seems to me that the single worst thing RPI could do in terms of putting a large number of people at risk of being infected with the virus would be to bring us all back to campus for a football game, a class dinner, and all the other group-gathering-type festivities normally associated with reunion and homecoming. I can understand why the very first thing RPI would decide to postpone or cancel would be the reunion and homecoming celebration.
Trying to be as optimistic as possible, I can see a possibility that they could go ahead with football games or other types of sporting events this fall, with a limited audience consisting of students and other younger people who aren't so high risk, as long as they remain at an acceptable social distance from each other. There is currently no indication on the RPIathletics website that any scheduled football games have been cancelled or postponed.
On the other hand, as Tony/Troy pointed out, if RPI can't play a football game scheduled for the second weekend in October, I can't imagine that the hockey team would be able to play any games that early, either.