I know it's a long way off. And I am not sure how things will go, but unless things change dramatically, I don't see how any sports team can realistically think they will be able to open the doors and let fans in. Masks or not. 6 feet apart or not. We won't know if the virus makes a fall comeback until the fall. And to cross your fingers and hope for the best is not a plan for success. With that being said, I think eventually things will get better. Maybe a year or two, but it will. I would offer the following suggestion: I would gladly pay for our two season tickets to help keep the team afloat. If we can go to games, great. If not, we get to watch the games for free (home and away) on TV or on line. And I won't demand a refund. And after its over the team throws a big party for season ticket holders to celebrate. And RPI hockey survives and SAJ can keep her 5%. And her throne at the end of the rink is donated to a needy family every game. And she stays away from HFH.