Ralph Baer
Let's Go 'Tute!
Re: RPI 2020 Off-season: Off-season Cancelled
I didn’t think the women allowed Czeching.

I didn’t think the women allowed Czeching.
Many/most deposits for fall enrollment are due the first week of May. Administrators will soon have a very real understanding of what will happen in the fall.
This is certainly a valid concern. I can tell you that schools here locally (my info is not from RPI) are actively weighing the viability of 3 basic scenarios:
1. Full enrollment on campus 2. No students on campus 3. A hybrid of limited /small classes, perhaps composed of upperclassmen, with underclassmen studying remotely for '20-21.
Given the pains we all endured with the abrupt end to our season i shudder to write this, but given the risks and public attention I think the only way #1 is possible is if the numbers of COVID cases drops markedly AND if a reliable/accurate test was available for incoming students. There has been a lot of the news in recent days of the unreliability of the assay tests that are now flooding the market. FDA approval is not able to quickly evaluate the quality and accuracy of the reported 90 + different testing products now on the market (according to Dr. Fauci).
Watching the news everyday (what else is there to do) I was pretty sure that we would have what we needed to be back to "normal" bu August. But these protests and some states opening early give me serious doubt that we will be opening anything by August.
I hope I am wrong.
I agree completely. I heard the Notre Dame A.D. on ESPN this morning and while the primary focus was on football he said paraphrasing.... " there will be no fall sports at all if there are no students on campus." That's a pretty serious statement given that 90% of their revenue is from football.
I guess we can only hope for the best as we head into summer (although the weather here lately feels more like March than April)
Watching the news everyday (what else is there to do) I was pretty sure that we would have what we needed to be back to "normal" bu August. But these protests and some states opening early give me serious doubt that we will be opening anything by August.
I hope I am wrong.
I just don't see a return to normalcy for a long time. There was an article yesterday that indicated Disney won't reopen until 2021. If you believe social distancing has/is working, what has changed about this virus to give anyone the idea reopening won't take us back toward square one? The thing we all need to remember is it isn't just the number of people dying that is a problem, but health care workers are not society's whipping boy here. Doctors and nurses and techs did not sign up to put their lives on the line over and over again. And they did not plan on working long shifts and having to live away from their families with no end in sight for a year or two. Not to do that so people could go to the beach or a sporting event.
Yesterday I heard a rumor that the NCAA was going to move football season to the spring semester. Given that my sources are hardly plugged in to anything you can probably take it with a grain of salt, and there would be many obstacles to overcome in order for it to happen, but whisperings are out there. Given football's role in generating $$$ for massive D-I athletic departments you can expect them to do whatever is necessary to salvage a good portion of it.
The number one question is when students return to campuses in some form (upperclassmen on campus with underclassmen remotely studying ?) Until that question is answered with certainty, the sports planning will be on hold.
Planning for shortened hockey season already in motion. Sure smells like fall semesters will be held online.
Remember way back when the first round was to be played in an empty arena and then, well we all know what happened after that....The western schools were late to the party, so to speak. I am concerned places with less of a problem now will take a chance and allow students to go back and sports to follow, leaving places in the east at a disadvantage. I remember when RPI was closing down the WCHA wasn't even mentioning the pandemic. So I am wondering if there will be a season but only for half the schools?The conferences wouldn't be doing their jobs if they weren't prepared for worst case scenarios. Just because planning has started in case of a delay to the start of the season does not make it more likely than it was yesterday.
The conferences wouldn't be doing their jobs if they weren't prepared for worst case scenarios. Just because planning has started in case of a delay to the start of the season does not make it more likely than it was yesterday.
RPI gets mentioned by Tucker Carlson last night. In a short clip, he mentions the monies being received by the "wealthiest" colleges in the latest bailout. The good news, we get grouped with the elite wealthy schools such as Harvard, Penn, Yale, Stanford and University of Michigan. The bad news is how he portrays RPI (as a school that most would not even know anything about and as not needing the money since it pays it's President an enormous salary (which he mentions along with showing a picture of SAJ with Barack Obama). Worth a quick view for those who missed it. Wonder how much of this money should go into the Hockey program???