You sound biased against the houses. Be careful of your preconceptions... they may prove quite false. If it weren't for the hockey team and the fraternity system at RPI I likely would have transferred to another school. I have many lifelong friends thanks to my time spent as a brother. I was introduced to my wife by a brother of mine - years after leaving school. Coincidentally the only time in my 4 years at RPI I saw something that would qualify as sexual assault occurred Freshman year in Nugent Hall. It may come as a shock to fraternity haters, but most houses do a very good job of policing their members. The kind of behavior that is alluded to here would not have been tolerated at my house.
Now that said, the greek system does tend to attract the more outgoing people and as a result those people tend to intermingle with more people than the average independent. So the potential for a bad apple to take advantage of a situation if certainly greater in that environment however I doubt that the same bad actor would be a model citizen had he (or she) not been introduced to Greek life. In short, and at the risk of sounding like Otter in the famous Animal House scene, the members of fraternities and sororities are going to reflect the population in general. So if we are going to condemn the houses for making bad choices, how is not having them going to correct the original error which is the school admitting someone with less than ideal moral standing? And how is shortening the rush period going to help the houses filter out those possible bad actors? It won't. And now... back to hockey. Drop the puck already!