Re: RPI 2012-2013 Season Thread
Current Standings (by Points %):
--- Home Lock -
Harvard 29-
41 [1-5]
Clarkson 30-
38 [1-5]
Cornell 30-
38 [1-5]
Quinnipiac 24-
32 [1-6]
St. Lawrence 24-
32 [1-6]
--- In -
Dartmouth 19-
29 [4-9]
--- Home Eligible -
Rensselaer 16-
24 [6-11]
Colgate 11-
19 [6-12]
Princeton 10-
18 [7-12]
Yale 8-
20 [6-12]
Brown 6-
16 [7-12]
Union 3-
11 [8-12]
--- Out -
Harvard, with their glut of games-in-hand are still in 1st place by Points Percentage.
Clarkson and Cornell split the season series and have identical 15-3-0 records, so it goes down to Record vs Top 4. Clarkson is 3-1-0 while Cornell is 2-3-0, so the Knights currently own the tiebreaker over the Big Red.
Quinnipiac beat St. Lawrence in November at home. They will face off again this weekend in Canton, NY to solidify this tiebreaker.
Remaining League Schedules:
| | ||T2/12|F2/15|S2/16|T2/19|F2/22|S2/23|T2/26|
| Harvard | HA || | @CR | @CG | BN | SL | CK | YA |
| Clarkson | CK || | PN | QN | | @DA | @HA | |
| Cornell | CR || | HA | DA | | @RP | @UC | |
| Quinnipiac | QN || | @SL | @CK | | @YA | @BN | |
| St. Lawrence | SL || | QN | PN | | @HA | @DA | |
| Dartmouth | DA || YA | @CG | @CR | | CK | SL | |
| Rensselaer | RP || | @YA | @BN | | CR | CG | |
| Colgate | CG || | DA | HA | | @UC | @RP | |
| Princeton | PN || | @CK | @SL | | @BN | @YA | |
| Yale | YA || @DA | RP | UC | | QN | PN | @HA |
| Brown | BN || | UC | RP | @HA | PN | QN | |
| Union | UC || | @BN | @YA | | CG | CR | |
That winter storm really screwed up scheduling. Now, Harvard has to play seven games in the last fourteen days of the regular season. That's something that I'm not sure even Cornell would wish upon them. Besides that, not every team will be finishing their season at the same time.
Individual Team Limits:
Teams Losing Out (Floors)
Clarkson, and
Cornell either have enough points that they can't be caught by Dartmouth or already own the tiebreaker against the Big Green and I can't find a way for them to lose a 3- (or more) way tiebreaker, but can be passed by Quinnipiac and St. Lawrence, so each of the Crimson, Knights, and Big Red have a floor of 5th place.
Quinnipiac and
St. Lawrence have won the season series against RPI, so I can't find any reasonable way for the Bobcats or Saints to lose the tiebreaker to the Engineers. That means that both teams have a floor of 6th place.
Dartmouth can theoretically fall all the way into a tie with Colgate and would lose said theoretical tiebreaker and RPI and Yale would both still have enough theoretical points to gain to finish ahead of them. Therefore, the Big Green can potentially finish as low as 9th place.
Rensselaer can still theoretically fall to 11th place. Yale and Colgate can both outright pass the Engineers without taking any points from Brown or Princeton. If Brown wins the head-to-head matchup between the Bears and Tigers, there would be a three-way tie between them and RPI at 16 points with all three of them having split against the other two. Brown's 8-14-0 record (compared to Princeton and RPI's 7-13-2 records) would win the tiebreaker on ECAC wins. Princeton and RPI's tiebreaker would go down to Record vs Top 4. As long as Dartmouth stays out of the Top 4, then Princeton wins tiebreaker and the Engineers fall to 11th.
Colgate can't fall into 12th by themselves, but they can drop to a tie with Union and the Dutchwomen can win the tiebreaker. They would split the season series and have identical 4-15-3 records, making it another Top 4 decision. If Quinnipiac sneaks into the Top 4, then Union can win the tiebreaker by going 1-6-1 as opposed to 1-7-0.
Any team that is currently in the bottom four can finish by themselves in twelfth place.
Teams Winning Out (Ceilings)
Union can finish in 8th place. It would end up being a tie with at least Colgate. They can win the tiebreaker against Colgate on Record vs Top 4 if Quinnipiac and Cornell stay in the Top 4 or Yale could also finish in the tie with 11 points and the Dutchwomen and Lady Bulldogs would drop the Lady Raiders from the comparison and Union would win the head-to-head matchup against Yale.
Brown can finish in a tie for 7th place with Rensselaer. They would have hypothetically split the season series and Brown's 8-14-0 record would push them past the Engineers' 7-13-2 record on the basis of wins.
Yale can finish by themselves in 6th place, just ahead of Dartmouth.
Princeton cannot pass Dartmouth (they have two less games to play than Yale), but they can finish ahead of RPI and not have to deal with tiebreakers.
Colgate can jump up to a tie with Dartmouth and they would win based on the season series that they would be forced to win in this scenario. So, Colgate can finish with the #6 seed.
RPI can push themselves into a tie for 5th with either Quinnipiac or St. Lawrence (but not both, because they still have to play each other this Friday), but I can't find a way for the Engineers to win either one. Quinnipiac swept RPI (so that's a non-starter) while SLU won the season series 3 points to 1. Dartmouth (whom the Engineers won the season series against) could conceivably also finish with 24 points, making it a 3-way tie for 5th place, but SLU and Dartmouth would have split their season series, meaning that SLU would still win the 5 seed. Therefore, the best position I can find for the Engineers is 6th place (by themselves or losing a tiebreaker for 5th).
Dartmouth can possibly finish tied with Harvard for 3rd place. However, Harvard won the season series 3-1 and none of the teams against whom the Big Green have scored more points during the season series can also finish tied at 29 points, meaning that there are no "beneficial third teams" for Dartmouth. That means that Dartmouth's ceiling is 4th place.
St. Lawrence or
Quinnipiac can still barely slip in and finish by themselves in 1st place. With Harvard still having to face off against both Cornell and Clarkson, if those two games end in ties and those three teams lose all of their other games, they would each finish with 31 points. One of St. Lawrence and Quinnipiac (but not both) can finish with 32 points. In the extreme case, all five teams could finish with exactly 31 points.
Each of the top 3 obviously can finish by themselves in 1st.
Home Lock - St. Lawrence dropped a point to RPI on Saturday, meaning that this threshold drops from 32 to 31 plus requisite tiebreakers.
Home Eligible - With St. Lawrence and Quinnipiac at 24 points apiece with a game to play against each other, the minimum is 25 points plus tiebreakers. And, it is possible to keep them still in 4th and 5th place with 25 points, so... 25 it is. If you can get to 25 points, you can still play an extra pair of home games.
In - If Colgate and Yale win out their remaining games, they end up with 19 and 20 points, respectively and Rensselaer is still capable of finishing with 20. Assuming Dartmouth didn't lose each of their three remaining games, they would also end up with at least 20 points. Therefore, 8th place would have 20 and 9th would have 19. Therefore, 20 points are necessary to guarantee yourselves a spot in the ECAC Playoffs.
Out - If each of the Top 7 win all of their games against the Bottom 5, then there are 5 games remaining. But, now Union can't catch 8th place Colgate, so we let them win out. Now, Colgate's and Union's seasons are "over" with 11 and 9 points, respectively. Princeton has 10 points and two games remaining, one against Yale (at 8 points) and one against Brown (at 6 points). If Princeton loses both games, then the Lady Raiders don't earn any more points over the course of the season and still make the playoffs in 8th place. So, if you can get to more than 11 points and/or beat Colgate in a tiebreaker, your hopes for postseason are play are not dashed yet.
I'll run the remainder of the season through the simulation machine after tonight's Yale / Dartmouth game is over and post something tomorrow morning.