I've got something to say here. I'm going to say it, not directing it at anyone, and then I'm going to try and get out of the way and let it be discussed if anyone wants to discuss it.
Somewhere, there's a line when it comes to enthusiasm. The question has to be asked sometimes - if I was a young man, what level would I be comfortable having people talk about elements of my life?
In this day and age, recruits are going to seek out every little bit of information wherever they can find it about the recruiting process, including and especially the internet, and if you think they're not reading this forum, you're wrong.
As we've come to expect, the Internet has a way of distorting things a discussion among very few people can make it seem like a topic that everyone is discussing. Discussing a minor topic repeatedly begins to look like a bizarre obsession.
People shouldn't be led to believe that a fan base doesn't care. If I were a young player, I wouldn't have much interest in a school whose fans didn't care about the players at all. Following the recruits and their progress seems fairly natural and absolutely acceptable (and, if I may say, we're fortunate to have Ralph keeping close tabs on the stats for us). But there's a line somewhere that, when crossed, is going to lead to the exact same reaction - these fans care TOO much, and about things that are personal to a lot of people.
Speculation is going to happen. I get that. But endless speculation about very minor and possibly very personal things is not only detrimental to the conversation, it's potentially detrimental to the program if a recruit or a potential recruit sees it and becomes concerned.
All I'm saying is this... think before you speculate. What do we REALLY need to know? What do we really need to spend time guessing at that hasn't been confirmed? If a player's academic situation isn't something that's already been confirmed as being an issue - for instance, a player is known to have been rejected by admissions, or has to sit out a semester because of poor grades - is that something that we really should be nosing around with?
At the end of the day, a recruit will either choose to come to RPI or he will not. We have various ways of learning about the latter if it occurs. Specifically with JL, I have heard various conflicting rumors about his academics. I've heard he's a very bright student. What if he is? Do you think faceless names on the Internet asking about his SAT score repeatedly as though it's some problem is going to be something that will make him excited about RPI?
It's not just this, it's anything that could be construed as being a part of a recruit or a player's personal life, things that you wouldn't want others murmuring about behind your back.
So all I'm asking is this - think about what you're speculating on before you speculate. Ask yourself whether it's really important or not. Jacob Laliberte will either come to RPI next year, or he won't, and if he doesn't, whatever reason he doesn't is on him and him alone, unless we learn that Seth turned his back or something, which is another thing we don't know.
That's it.