Hello everybody. I just wanted to let everyone know about the new features that are coming into being at Without a Peer.
Without a Peer: Now with 30% more fiber!
Here's the long and the short of it. We're going to have a weekly live podcast, which actually got underway last night. Don't worry, you didn't miss it, we intentionally didn't announce it ahead of time so we could do a dress rehearsal, but it turned out pretty well, so you can now listen to it on demand.
Without a Peer podcasts
Since there's no regular weekly radio show revolving around the Engineers... we'll just go ahead and make one of our own. During live shows, listeners will be able to call in and ask questions or opine - and we expect to have guests every week as well.
In conjunction with our live tweets during games, we're going to try out in-game chats. Expect some mid-week moderated chats and more interviews during the season as well.
We've also added a tip jar at the top of the page. We think these new features make WaP an even better place to get news and opinion, but they aren't free. Since we don't believe in assaulting you with ads, we'd instead like to ask you, if you read WaP regularly, to consider a donation. 100% of the money raised will go directly into the site, Gary and I won't be using one bit of it for personal use.
Thanks for checking us out over the last 10 months. We want to earn your readership with every post - and I personally hope you get even more out of the site when these new features come firmly into place.