Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 86: Noobs, Halloween, and Pumpkins, oh my!
Let's recap the reasons why today is not my day.
- Gas light turned on in my car on the way home from work last night (after I'd passed the gas station). Left early this morning so I could put gas in my car on the way to work. Get to the gas station 5 miles up the road - their pumps aren't working. Fantastic. Get back in my car and it almost doesn't start because at this point I'm pretty sure it's running on fumes. Drive to the gas station a couple miles up the road (and completely out of my way), fill up my tank, pay, and leave. By this time it's 8:45, I have to work at 9:00, and I have a 20+ minute drive ahead of me. You see where this is going.
- Get to work only 5 minutes late, by the grace of the Walmart gods.
- About an hour into work my receipt printer stops working completely. It takes somewhere around 15 minutes to reboot my register.
- Got my 11:00 break at 11:30.
- After work, on my way home... I'm less than a mile away from my house and I passed a cop going the opposite direction. Check the speedometer - yep, I'm speeding. Check the rearview - yep, he's pulling a U-turn. GREAT. I was only going about 43 in a 35 so it wasn't terrible and I didn't get a ticket. What I want to know is, where were all the cops when I was going 75 in a 55 this morning trying to get to work on time?
I have an enhanced drivers' license, which allows me re-entry to the United States from Canada (or Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas, I think). When I gave the cop my license, he had no idea what it was.

Shouldn't police officers, even of small postage stamp-sized towns like mine, know what the valid forms of identification are? I would think so, especially since we're a stone's throw away from Canada...
I'm done with the excitement now. Hopefully the rest of today is just normal.