Feckin' Mickey's. Yeah, you know what's up. Great place. Although that is St Paul. The little sister gets touchy about that.What a great weekend of hockey. Also great meeting 'ewe/CBG, Brent, dx, soh, bbdl and mavsy. I think that's mostly everybody.
Grabbed a bite at Mickey's on the way back to the car, so checked that box off the MSP tourist hit list.
Roughly 6 months until we all get to betch and moan about how the refs suck and how the aliens are taking over our teams!
Twas great meeting HP1015, and reuniting with ewe and tcbg. Haven't seen them for 7 years!
Didn't get to go to the game, but I did get it on tv so the sister in law (UMD alumna) could watch. She was understandably pleased.
Talking about that earlier, before you showed up. 7 years for tCBG and me, I think it was 2008 for 'ewe and me (she had to miss the 2011 F4). Good to put a face to HP1015.
The camaraderie is what really is missing from those other sports. College hockey....sorry, cawlidgehawkey, is really just a big family.
Crap I forgot ewe wasn't here in 2011.
You are correct. So awesome to hang out with these people. I don't get out to the out of town f4s anymore. Had to take advantage of it being in my backyard.
Good morning Lodge. Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate today!! Oh, wait, that’s just me!Got home late from church, with the ‘rents. Now waiting for them to get themselves ready so we can go to breakfast. I’m starving!!! Going to dinner at my aunt’s house later today. Mmmm, lamb. And now I’m really, really starving!
Got home about 5pm EST. Absolutely had a blast in St. Paul these last few days. Great to reconnect with old friends (it had been a decade, Brent and mel). Great to make some new friends, SOH and bb_dl and dx.
SOH - I was supposed to come out to MSP in 2011, but my certification for EMT school ended up that weekend. CBG went out with his (then) hockey-wife.
Getting a ticket for speeding, while IN MY OWN PARKING LOT AT THE OFFICE, is NOT the way I wanted to open the day.