Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ on a Cracker.

Yes, I KNOW BU has no one to blame but themselves for the placement they are in. But COME ON. Quinnipiac - LOSING to Brown. SCSU - LOSING to Wisconsin. Niagara - TIED with Canisius. Cannot rely on anyone. No really. This is ridiculous. NONE of these teams would be winning if I didn't need them to win for BU to advance. NONE. Zip. Bupkus. Nada. And yes, I know BU can advance by winning. Which is really all they need to do. Because it's so simple, right?
*deep breath*
Never mind. I didn't need to travel next weekend anyway. I'm still taking Friday off though.
ETA - Thank you Uncle Ray!! I appreciate you stepping it up and making the poll. Especially now when I need a place to vent. You're my favorite person today. <-- my tip for the bartender