Morning Lodge.
There are 17 kids on my son's peewee team. We figured 10-12 would come over to eat pasta and skate on the rink tonight. Final tally? 16.

One kid has a church retreat and he's bummed. Don't know where we're going to put them all. Might have to do shifts to eat the pasta. Fixed one of my 500 watt quartz halogen lamps last night. It's on a 10' pole with another 500 watt and this one kept slipping and pointing down, finally got it fastened securely. Will be plenty of light on the rink tonight.
I was offered Wild tickets for tonight and had to turn them down for the kids pond hockey. Just hope no one gets hurt too badly.
It is soooo too bad that the Frozen Four happens after the pond thaws. Think how awesome it would be to have the Posters' game on my little rink!