Not only is it Silly Saturday in DC, the whole weekend will be silly.
On my Blackberry all I do is hit the Back button and I can return to the forum.Also, one other issue with the mobile version is when I'm in a thread in a forum, I can't get back to that forum. I have to go to the Fan Forum Home. What am I missing there?
When will I learn not to go downtown when there is a rally or a race of some kind? (That was a rhetorical question. The answer is clearly "never". ) What a mess. I don't think that I have seen this many people besides for at inaugural parades.
I can't wait until I can get a place in lower suburbia (read as Huntington/Springfield)... I decided to do groceries... had to walk the 1.5 miles back home. At least I'm learning rally/protest Metro patterns. Ugh.
Still have to finish my costume for around 6PM. Cooling off my ankles for now.
hehNot only is it Silly Saturday in DC, the whole weekend will be silly.
me 3I've had the same problem with the mobile version as well.
I may be about to pull a Lodge first here and sit at the Happy D2 Football Table.
Tech is beating Grand Valley in the 4th.
Is it me or did the links on the top of the home page disappear? Including the link to the forum?
Is it me or did the links on the top of the home page disappear? Including the link to the forum?
Update?I may be about to pull a Lodge first here and sit at the Happy D2 Football Table.
Tech is beating Grand Valley in the 4th.
Due to some layout glitch, they're currently hidden behind the large banner ad at the top of the home page.
So it sounds like it isn't a problem if you have Extra and turn off the ads. That would explain why I see the links.