My mother went from telling me we should never be parents because of our lifestyle (we worked a lot) to flipping out that we hadn't produced a child practically in a breath. She said some things that to this day make me wonder about her intelligence level. Stuff that was just embarassing to listen to- a few of my favorites:
-we weren't having children, she knew, because all the rooms had furniture in them (nailed and superglued in place, no doubt) therefore we must not be planning to have a nursery.
-we weren't having a child because we did not buy an SUV when we got a new car. This one was a doozy. The reasoning- we have a steep hill driveway and if we didn't have an SUV we weren't planning to have a child because the car wouldn't get up the hill.

I told her if we had a kid and we couldn't make it up the hill then we would let it freeze to death and just make another one. She was horrified but could not see the absolute idiocy of what she was saying. Shameless. Just have the balls/ovaries to say I wish I had a grandchild.
She did the same thing to my brother- even more over the line and to the point of absolute rudeness. My poor SIL was distraught. My brother lit her up one day after she was particullarly noxious. Then she was all hurt and offended that he would speak to her that way.
Thankfully for my brother we produced the grandchild.