Saw some games up close and personal. D2 and 3 are the only leagues anywhere I am aware of that call the old style that the NHL and all other leagues moved away from. It was a crime to watch interference, obstruction and hooking totally ignored. It absolutely ruined the games and shut down any offensive talent on the ice. That, in itself, was absolutely unacceptable and turned the games into a joke, but it was also the inconsistencies that made the referees look very inadequate to the task. I seriously, knowing what I now know, would not waste a dime sending a kid to play in such a poorly officiated league. Quite literally it was like watching poorly trained and totally unmonitored autocratic referees ruin the potential that the league might otherwise have. The apologies, unsolicited, by league officials in no way makes up for the travesty of the reffing I have viewed. How, in all conscience, can the expense of building facilities, recruiting and forming teams, the expense of busses, and all other considerations be hijacked in this way. How can a league ignore the entire direction that hockey has taken over the past 5 years to the detriment of the league, players,coaches and multi-thousand dollar paying parents and the poor hoodwinked fans. To boot the refs are recalcitrant, absolutely unwilling to listen or to change. Each of them acts like they are president of the league itself and will not listen to a living soul. Believe me the reffing is so below sub-standard compared to elsewhere, that it is best described as neanderthal and subterranean.
Are there any plans to bring the league reffing out of the dark ages, because as it stands, I seriously cannot, in all conscience, recommend this league to anyone, regardless of how limited their talent might be. No matter what small amount of talent, it will surely be wasted as things stand. Something definitely needs to be done, like 5 years ago.
Are there any plans to bring the league reffing out of the dark ages, because as it stands, I seriously cannot, in all conscience, recommend this league to anyone, regardless of how limited their talent might be. No matter what small amount of talent, it will surely be wasted as things stand. Something definitely needs to be done, like 5 years ago.