Black Bear since D-2
Re: Question for members
Good post, Champs, but we haven't had a haven't had a decent squabble for years, either...
Getting old!
I spent 2+ hours scouting our next opponent for my sons travel team. I did have the Plattsburgh game up in the background, but have yet to go to a game and have only watched a handful. Mostly because my weekends are traveling 2-3 hours one way for hockey...and never when/where Plattsburgh is in town.
While I somewhat agree with Fish on the "flamefest", just like with all social media its given a platform for a lot of people to give their "opinions", and while everyone is entitled to them, backing them up with facts and stats is something that most people dont grasp on here. Anyone can give an opinion, but if you dont substantiate it with facts and or stats it doesnt carry much yet those are the ones who normally feel entitled to post and cause flamefests. At least with Fish he can normally back his flamefests up with logical thoughts (for the most part right Fish). And while we may not agree, it will at least make you think. Then you get the snowflakes who dont like being told their opinion makes no sense, and because it's the internet they HAVE to be right...and if you tell them otherwise they will run away pouting kicking and screaming....sadly much like today's society....
Good post, Champs, but we haven't had a haven't had a decent squabble for years, either...
Getting old!