I heard a rumor that you’re making an appearance!
Section 101 row KK if I ever get out of this doctor's office!!!
I heard a rumor that you’re making an appearance!
You do realize that a lot of the people that are commenting about it aren't even MSU fans, right? The general sentiment that I've heard from MSU fans is that, yes, it sucks that we are playing Providence in Providence, but it is what it is. It wasn't so long ago that we were a perennial loser, so many of us are just thankful to see a consistent winner.
The idea that it's not an advantage to be playing in your hometown (ie. there is no travel and PC as the 4 seed will have more fans there than MSU as the 1 seed) is laughable. The Gophers used to claim the same thing when they got to play in XCel Center and it was laughable for them to say it as well. I get it that it's not like it will be a sell out of PC fans, but there isn't any way that MSU will be able to bring as many fans as PC does. Really, it is OK to admit that PC has an advantage. The flip side of that is that I sense there are enough people from other fan bases that don't like that PC gets the advantage and will turn into de facto MSU fans. That in and of itself could potentially turn that
It is what it is, but that is how the system was set up and is supported by the coaches. It is more than a bit hypocritical for the team to complain about it now. That doesn't mean that adjustments can't be made to the system as a whole, but the coaches wanted this system and now we need to live with both the good and bad.
What the hell did Nate say after the first period?!?!
Brother believe me you're going to get a kick out of it when you see the hockey atmosphere the PC "creates". We might even have our band at the game which is a big deal for us because we have been known to use the local high school band down the street to play at our games. If basketball was going on the band would be there and we would have recruited some local high school or college to be our band.
When you see Northeastern University and their dog pound you'll get a hint of what it should be like for Providence college but it isn't. Cornell's band is outstanding to and their fan base is loud and fun.
Again I'll let you witness it for yourself before I say I told you so.
Providence had at least 15 times as many people here as NU does.
It’s pretty empty in here now. Not many Cornell fans either, which surprises me.
Terrific game to attend as a neutral! Very fun. I found myself cheering for the home team. Awesome comeback. Good luck tomorrow. I always root for Northeastern, but will be pulling for you guys if you face Cornell.
It’s pretty empty in here now. Not many Cornell fans either, which surprises me.
I’d have expected more Cornell fans than anything else.Most are usually on Elynah.
I kind of enjoy Big Red fans for this very reason. Now I want to beat them for a different reason,I unknowingly found myself surrounded by Cornell fans in 106 or 107. I didn't really catch on or have awareness they were there until the hecklers rolled out after the game was at 4-3, telling me to sit down there's plenty of game left and again at 5-3. Good times though, I'll have to bring my Friars gear out tomorrow to wake up the Cornell elders in the section.
I kind of enjoy Big Red fans for this very reason. Now I want to beat them for a different reason,
BREAKING: The NCAA has announced that to counter the unfair home ice advantage given to Providence College the following measures will be taken:
The Providence College hockey team will need to sleep in the lobby of their hotel in Warwick.
The team will have to walk to the arena.
Wearing their skates.
On gravel roads.
Cornell will be awarded a power play at the start of each period.
The referees will all be graduates and former players of Cornell University.
And Jon will be starting in goal for PC.