I think it's just you... Take the NFL, for example. It seems like every year they are making changes to the rules. In recent years, defensive players have been upset about so many rule changes designed to open up the game for receivers and to protect the quarterback.
It's actually very smart for the powers-that-be in hockey to look into rule changes that will open up the game and encourage more scoring. Whether we like it or not, as much as WE love our sport, it's still just a regional sport in the United States. The NHL is the only one of the four major sports that does not have a NETWORK television contract.
I believe that any rule changes that are designed to allow the skilled players to shine are good changes. It's a much more fun game to watch now that the clutch-and-grab is being taken out of the game.
Disclaimer - I was a clutch-and-grabber myself... although not a "knucklehead" like 5 4 Fighting