Greetings Lodge. Been off work since Friday. I haven’t really done much. I did have more oral surgery yesterday. On Friday the oral surgeon checked to see if the bone graft worked. It did. Scheduled to have the implant, well, implanted yesterday.
So, he’s drilling (get your minds out of the gutter!) and he says, “well, there’s a little problem.” Turns out the bone graft hadn’t, well, congealed? But he used a different implant and it apparently worked. The doctor prescribed a prescription ibuprofen, an antibiotic for seven days, and a mouth rinse. He also told me I should eat yogurt while taking the antibiotic. Because yogurt has probiotics? I don’t have any. So, I drove to the supermarket to buy some, plus ice cream and then headed to CVS to pick up the prescriptions. This was during rush hour. And the Novocain was starting to wear off. And of course, my prescriptions weren’t ready. Sigh. Had to wait an extra 15 minutes.
Got home to take one of the antibiotics and saw there was only seven pills. I called the doctors office to ask if they wanted me to take seven pills or take the pills for seven days. Naturally they were closed. Thankfully they called me this morning and apologized and sent an updated prescription to CVS to pick up today.
Right now, it feels ok, though my right nostril and sinus feel weird. My nostril actually still feels numb. I’m choosing to not worry about any of it till next week.