Ralph Baer
Let's Go 'Tute!
Good Morning, MEUSA! 
Good Morning to the rest of tLodge!

Good Morning to the rest of tLodge!

Yes. 'Saw' people court each other, get married, have kids, go thru family losses and dramas, come out the other side... I
The last Downgrade pretty much killed it. I wonder how much volume they lost afterwards.
Some of the people that don't post anymore or rarely post I still have connections with on other social media...but I'm trying to limit social media now too. Too many ads, too much suggested content rather than people I actually have connections with.
I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I think it's awesome that I can know what's going on with a friend I haven't seen in 10 years, but I also think it's overwhelming the amount of content available.
I am currently trying to hold myself together at work while there is a crushing onslaught of information. I worked late yesterday, put in just over 10 hours, I get in this morning to 50 new emails, half of which need a response, then there's 40 new Teams messages, most of which don't need a response but I need to read through to make sure I'm not needed.
Good morning Lodge.
Why would someone without an Engineering degree, but with a poli-sci undergrad degree and a J.D. be applying to a job for a quality engineer? It seems weird to me. Has been working in QA for a few years (at several different contract jobs)
Maybe they didn't like lawyering and found ways to gain experience in your field? My fiance was going to be a teacher, until she did her student teaching and realized that she wouldn't be able to be blunt with obnoxious parents who don't take responsibility for their kids and treat teachers like babysitters. So she's worked various other jobs over the years, typically getting the role because of her personality. She currently works as a care coordinator for an insurance company, which is essentially social work dealing with Medicaid patients.
Not really...Miss anything?