C'mon Q!
Good morning to tLodge!
I turned the big 4-0 today. I've planned to do an Escape Room with some of my friends tonight. Why is it snowing? Did Mother Nature decide to add the get to the Escape Room as part of the challenge?
Happy Birthday wT!
Mother Nature is confused.
lilnsl killed it today- 2:30:36 in the Marathon- 141st out of 24822 people. (127th male/ 116 in his age group). Holy crap!
Ready for a long nap!
Pants optional?Happy Tuesday (Scarlets favorite day?)!
Interview day for me. Feels weird to dress in a suit for a Zoom interview. But, that's the time we live in.
Lodge, just need to vent. I've never had the universe so coordinated in slapping me head-on with signs that I needed to leave my current employer than I have the last few months, and especially so the last few weeks.
Friday, four of us resigned giving one week notice because of the colossal bull**** my company has pulled since January 1st. On top of the five from our department that has left since the 1st.
No one, from the interim department head to the VPs to the owners, has had one iota of effort in trying to retain us. Just lots of lip service of "the owner takes care of those who are loyal," and a whole bunch of kiss the ring type of bull****.
Today, I got the cold shoulder from the interim Department Head. He spent all day in our field office and talked to me for 20 minutes ONLY to discuss the highway project I'm on, and my role, and that was it.
As I was packing up my personal stuff (something in the back of my mind told me to), i went to carry a bankers box to my truck and the Interim Boss goes "that looks heavy, let me hold the office door for you."
Ten. Fu**ing. Years. (Well, three months shy) with this company and this is the thanks I've gotten for all the over time, extra effort, and expanding my credentials for the company I've done.
I aopreciate the chance I was given 10 years ago with them, but they have changed in the last couple years for the worse. They're no longer striving to be an engineering firm, they're now too worried about chasing dollars thst they're doing everything *but* engineering.
Oh, and the icing tonight was one coworker who has fully drank the Kool-Aid un-linked with me on LinkedIn. Petty much?
I'm pretty sure I made the best decision of my career by quitting and moving to a new firm, and the universe keeps trying to tell me so.