So I've discovered something about Kant that is worth knowing if you have any interest in trying to mountain climb the Critiques. It was pointed out in a
Bryan Magee BBC interview concerning him.
Kant is famously impenetrable. He is one of the most difficult writers, let alone philosophers, to read, perhaps only being less opaque than Heidegger. In the interview the other philosopher notes two things about the Critique of Pure Reason in particular and Kant in general. Kant was already quite old when he started writing it, and he literally wrote like he was running out of time. He was terrified he would die before finishing it so his first goal wasn't clarity or style, it was just getting everything on paper.
The second thing he notes is Kant was writing in German at a time when there was no model for academic German writing. Every significant German intellectual before him had written in Latin. So Kant was not just inventing new terminology, he was also inventing how to write about intellectual matters in general in German.
The ironic thing is Kant's lectures had the reputation of being clear, very engaging and actually
funny. So my discovery was reading his Prefaces to the 1781 and 1787 editions. These, written afterwards with some leisure, and with an eye to drawing the reader's interest and good will, are clear as a bell and if not a laugh riot at least congenial and even a little teasing. The Kant I read behind them was, more than anything else, just a nice man. All the "architectonics" (Kant's own terminology about his style, which is a nice preview of the Deep Hurting of reading him) is displaced by a conversational style -- serious, but modest and above all kind-hearted. This is the guy after all who made politics moral by grounding it in human freedom.
So, anyway, if you ever try to read CPR, and I recommend trying it at least because it is
staggering genius that maybe only three or four other books in history are, read the prefaces first because I think you will like the author. My translations were by F. Max Muller in 1881 and they are fresh and completely natural even for today's language, which is a miracle if you read much Victoriana.